All the Latest Agent Updates in Valorant Patch 3.06

Today, Riot has rolled out a new round of balance updates for Valorant, aiming heavily at re-balancing three of its Agents; Jett, KAY/0, and Skye. Valorant Patch 3.06 also introduces changes to five of the game’s maps, but today, we’ll be focusing on what you can expect to see from the affected Agents post-update.

Valorant Patch 3.06 – Major Agent Updates

First up in the patch notes of Valorant Patch 3.06 is Jett, who has received a general nerf from Riot. To start with, her Cloudburst ability has had its charges reduced from 3 to 2. According to Riot, this is to force players to be more tactical with the use of her smoke, penalising those who; “spam them without much thought”.

Valorant Patch 3.06 Agent Updates

Additionally, Jett’s Bladestorm ability’s alternate fire/right-click will no longer recharge her kunai. “We want to incentivise the high skill primary fire kills while still allowing the low-risk-low-reward burst fire option,” explains Riot. Finally, Bladestorm’s alt. fire/right-click damage changes have been reverted from a past update. However, Riot feels that having “different damage rules” was too confusing. The right-click will now be the same as the left-click, damage-wise.

KAY/0 and Skye, meanwhile, are both Initiators and both targets for alterations in Valorant Patch 3.06. KAY/0, to begin, has received some enhancements to flashes. The FLASH/drive ability’s windup telegraph has been reduced from 0.5s to 0.3s, while the right-click telegraph windup is down from 1s to 0.3s. Additionally, the audio cue of its projectiles is no more. All told, these changes should help KAY/0 surprise opponents with flashes. Additionally, KAY/0’s NULL/cmd ability will no longer stop pulsing after being downed.

Skye, on the other hand, has received some small changes to her Guiding Light and Seekers abilities. The unequip time after bending or casting Guiding Light’s projectile is up from 0.5 to 0.75. Additionally, the windup time after the activation before the flash is up slightly from 0.25 to 0.3. Finally, the cost of her Seekers is up from 6 to 7.