Another Confirmation Of “Gears 5” Title

The fifth installment of Gears of War will definitely be called “Gears 5” and not Gears of War 5. The Coalition’s Head Rob Fergusson made it very clear once again via one of his tweet answers that they are going with the title “Gears 5” and dropping the “of War” for good.

Aaron Greenberg, Head of Marketing for Xbox, was the first to explain the reason why they decided to drop the “of War” from the title of the new installment of Gears of War franchise. He stated that, while people were using it all the time in their discussions, talks and comments on social media, they thought it would save them time if they named the next Gears of War just “Gears”.

Furthermore, Rod Fergusson is now confirming again that there will not be a Gears of War 5 title but just Gears 5. Executive Editor at IGN, Ryan McCaffrey, posted a tweet calling the new Gears 5, Gears of War 5 instead. Rob Fergusson politely replied to him that it will be “just Gears 5” and that “that is what’s going to be on the box”.

“Thanks for the kind words. BTW it’s just Gears 5. That is what’s going to be on the box”.

However, on another tweet reply again to Ryan McCaffrey, he insisted that the franchise is still named “Gears of War”. It is just the new family of products they are doing that will have the shorter title of “Gears’. This is why all three video games announced at E3 2018 by Microsoft will be named “Gears Tactics”, “Gears 5” and “Gears Pop”. His exact words were:

“Gears of War is still the franchise name but now that we’re doing a family of products it made more sense to shorten the titles down – Gears Pop, Gears Tactics & Gears 5. Plus we always just call it Gears anyway so it feels good to simplify”.

Gears 5 is expected to be released sometime in 2019 and now it is official that the box will have “Gears 5” on as its official title.