Newly Discovered Apex Legends Bug Lets Players Attack While Downed

While players have the chance to return to the classic Kings Canyon map over the weekend, it seems that all is not totally well in Apex Legends at present. A new Apex Legends bug, which was recently discovered and may be totally new, is seemingly giving players the ability to make melee attacks while downed; a significant advantage in the right circumstances, as one affected player has demonstrated.

Melee While Downed: The Apparent Apex Legends Bug

A video documenting this latest apparent Apex Legends bug was posted on Reddit by user Kemble95. In the video, they are downed close to an enemy Lifeline. However, despite being in a downed state, they are able to draw Wraith’s knife and make melee attacks. As such, they’re able to finish off Lifeline before being eliminated themselves. Presumably this is the result of a bug; while the ability to make melee attacks while down might be an interesting addition to the game, Respawn has made no mention of adding such a feature in recent patch notes.

Additionally, this bug appears to be quite new. There is no mention of it on the Apex Legends Trello Board; the site where Respawn tracks progress on bug-fixes and other upcoming changes. Hopefully, the developers will now become aware of the issue and investigate, before it becomes more widespread. While the benefits of the bug are relatively situational, it can nonetheless be quite beneficial in the right moment. If players figure out a way to replicate the bug, it could become quite problematic.

Apex Legends Bug Melee Attack While Downed

In the meanwhile, Apex Legends players currently have the option to play on either the World’s Edge map or the original Kings Canyon map. The classic map is only available over the weekend, but will be going away again on the 24th. After that, the map won’t be returning until late-March; it will be the active map for the second shift of Ranked Series 3.