Apex Legends Crypto – The New Legend’s Abilities and Playstyle

Apex Legends Season 3 is here, and alongside the new World’s Edge map and Charge Rifle, players finally have the chance to drop into battle as Crypto; the latest addition to the game’s roster of playable Legends. Crypto brings a unique style of play to the game, with access to a flying surveillance drone, and the ability to disable enemy gadgets and traps. In fact, the Apex Legends Crypto release could prove to be the most interesting new Legend release yet.

Apex Legends Crypto – Passive, Tactical, and Ultimate Abilities

As Respawn describes, the Apex Legends Crypto playstyle favours a cool head and staying out of the spotlight. The new Legend doesn’t have any personal defensive abilities, so he’s potentially vulnerable in a frontline gunfight. However, he does excel at team play, and at disrupting enemies who are dug in. First of all, he has his Tactical ability, which is the ability which most defines his style of play; Surveillance Drone.

When Crypto uses this ability, he deploys his Surveillance Drone as an aerial camera. This allows him to spy on enemy positions while he himself is safely behind cover. Beware, however, as while the drone is small and agile, it can be shot down. If it is destroyed by enemy fire, you’ll have to wait 40 seconds before you can use it again. While Surveillance Drone is useful to get a bird’s eye view of the battlefield, it becomes much better paired with his Passive ability; Neurolink.

Apex Legends Crypto Abilities and Playstyle

The Neurolink ability means that any enemy that Crypto’s Surveillance Drone detects is marked. That mark is then visible to Crypto and all of his squadmates so long as they are within 30m. This means that Crypto can function as an excellent spotter for his squad, pinpointing enemy positions for his squadmates to flank and eliminate. Finally, he has his Ultimate ability, which is Drone EMP. This ability is charged up and released from his Surveillance Drone, and when activated, it releases a pulse from the drone. This pulse destroys enemy traps, slows all players caught in the area, and also does 50 shield damage. It’s the perfect tool for softening up an enemy squad before Crypto and his own squadmates launch their attack.