Apex Legends Download Size: What Is the Install Size on Each Platform?

There is so much content for fans and players to enjoy right now regarding Apex Legends from checking out our tier list for the best and worst characters as well as the best guns in the game. But, of course, some players still need the game in order to utilize those guides. This has some players wondering about the Apex Legends download size.

The game is totally free to play and download so anyone can pick it up right now. As such, the only thing that could stop you is not having enough space on your platform of choice. Because of this, it’s important to know the Apex Legends download size. In this guide for the game, we are going to let you know the install size for all three platforms.

Apex Legends Download Size

Apex Legends download size

The download size for the game, of course, depends on your platform of choice. However, for the most part, the game requires you to have about the same amount of free space on all three platforms in order to install it. Oddly enough, though, the free space required doesn’t actually equal the entire size of the game in one case.

For starters, the generally estimated amount of required install space on your platform is around 22GB in order to download it. That’s mostly the same across all three systems. The PS4 is just a bit more at around 23GB in terms of Apex Legends download size. The Xbox One is about 22GB but the PC is a little odd.

Though you need around 22GB of free space on your computer, that isn’t the actual Apex Legends download size. In fact, it’s a lot smaller than its console counterparts at only around 12GB once it’s done downloading. Regardless, you still need at least 22GB in order to install it.