Apex Legends Knife: How to Get Wraith Knife Heirloom

There is so much content for fans and players to enjoy right now regarding Apex Legends from checking out our tier list for the best and worst characters as well as the best guns in the game. But there are some players who are wondering about the Apex Legends Knife. What is this knife that is exclusive to Wraith currently and what are Heirlooms?

In this guide for Apex Legends, we are going to go over everything you need to know about the Apex Legends Knife. If you couldn’t tell already, this is a very special knife that is in the game. In fact, it’s really hard to even get it. Now, without further ado, let’s dive right in and take a look at this special Heirloom item.

Apex Legends Knife: What Is It?

Apex Legends Knife

First and foremost, in order to understand this particular knife, you need to know what Heirlooms are. Heirlooms are the highest quality of cosmetic items that you can find in the entire game. In fact, they’re so awesome that you won’t see anything about them in the game until you find one.

The Apex Legends Knife is one of those Heirlooms but for the Wraith Legend. Wraith gets a very special, epic-looking knife that is solely for cosmetic purposes. It does not affect her damage or abilities but just looks freaking awesome. This, of course, has many players wanting to own this epic knife. So, how do you do it?

Well, the only way currently to own the Apex Legends Knife is through opening up Apex packs. These loot boxes give you less than one percent chance of opening up the knife. They are extremely low chances but it isn’t impossible. Some players already have it. You can purchase Apex packs with real money or earn them through leveling up in the game.