Assassins Creed Odyssey: Alexios or Kassandra?

When this guide formed at the front of my mind, I started to get flashbacks of when Mass Effect first came out. ‘Male Shepard or Female Shepard’ was all I had to hear for a long time in my friend circle, and it sucked even back then. This time the question is: Alexios or Kassandra? Folks, I’m going to blow your mind when I say this, so be prepared.

Why not both?

Hear me out, Alexios and Kassandra are, you know, just a tad different than characters like Hawke and Shepard. While you can customize your BioWare protagonists, you aren’t given the same opportunity with Alexios and Kassandra. And while (in Shepard’s case at least) you’re restricted from romancing certain people due to your gender, Alexios and Kassandra say ‘screw that noise’ and romance who they want. Does that make them better than Shepard? Well, maybe…

Controversial opinion aside, you may be wondering why you should be playing both Kassandra and Alexious when you have the time. The answer is simple…

Assassin's Creed Alexios or Kassandra

Assassins Creed Odyssey: Alexios or Kassandra?

What becomes obvious very quickly after playing both of the characters, is that there isn’t a lot of difference between them. Alexios and Kassandra’s dialogue mostly stays the same, as does their body animations. You’ll also be called ‘misthios’ no matter who you play as, and have the same relationship with most characters.

However, that doesn’t mean they aren’t their own character. Kassandra will often have positive lines referring to her gender, whereas Alexios will refer to his strength instead. They’ll also react differently to certain things, but most of those are spoilers. For that reason, we’ll keep our lips closed on that one until further notice.

The answer is rather simple: play as who you like, because you’ll love the game all the same.