The Battlefield 5 Reinforcements and How to Call Them In

While gunplay and driving are valuable skills which players can put to use in Battlefield 5, they aren’t always enough when you’ve outnumbered or outgunned. The Battlefield 5 Reinforcements system can help turn the tide against uneven odds, if you work with your team to score Requisition Points and choose the moment wisely to call something in.

In many cases, Battlefield 5 Reinforcements are situational. If your squad is having trouble dealing with enemy aircraft, consider calling in a Half-Track or Pakwagen. Use Supply drops to top up your health and ammo in the field, and heavy tanks as line-breakers for an offensive push. If you save up enough Requisition Points, you can even call in a rocket to devastate an enemy position.

Battlefield 5 Reinforcements Can Turn the Tide

How to Call in Battlefield 5 Reinforcements

When you play a multiplayer match in Battlefield 5, you will be one of several soldiers in a squad. Among your number, one player will be chosen to take the role of Squad Leader. The Squad Leader can issue orders, while other squad members can request them. If a squad leader doesn’t issue orders after they are requested several times by someone else, the game may make the requester the squad leader instead.

As your squad fights in the match, you will earn Requisition Points. You can see your current total of Requisition Points alongside the name of the Squad Leader on-screen. The Squad Leader has the ability to use a special Squad Leader Radio, and this can be used to spend Requisition Points to call in Battlefield 5 Reinforcements. If you call in a rocket or supply drop, then you will immediately use binoculars to designate a target location. If you call in a vehicle, the vehicle will instead appear in the deploy screen. Anyone in your squad will gain the ability to spawn on it.

There Are 7 Battlefield 5 Reinforcements in the Game

The Seven Battlefield 5 Reinforcements

Overall, there are seven different Battlefield 5 Reinforcements available to players. Three are available only to the Allies, three are available to the Axis, and one is available to both sides.

  1. Supply Canister Drop (2,450 Requisition Points); This is the only Requisition which is available to both factions, and it’s also the cheapest by far. This air-dropped supply canister provides both health and ammunition resupply to anyone on your team. Best of all, it stays on the map for a while and up to 10 can be active at once on each team.
Battlefield 5 Reinforcements (Allies)
  1. T48 GMC 6 pdr AT Half-Track (9,850 Requisition Points); Although this anti-air half-track is relatively fragile, it can be very effective against aircraft. If you need a way to counter enemy air power quickly, these are relatively cheap. Three soldiers can ride in one of these at a time; a driver, a gunner, and one front passenger.
  2. Churchill Crocodile (20,750 Requisition Points); Coming in at more than double the cost of a Half-Track or Pakwagen, the Churchill Crocodile is one of the best heavy tanks in Battlefield 5. It pairs its heavy armour with a devastating flamethrower, making it very effective in close-quarters, urban engagements or at clearing out infantry. It can seat four soldiers; a driver, a main gunner for the flamethrower, a top gunner, and a passenger gunner.
  3. JB-2 Rocket (41,500 Requisition Points); Comparable to the V-1 but available to Allied troops, the JB-2 is an extremely powerful, single-use rocket.
Battlefield 5 Reinforcements (Axis)
  1. Sd. Kfz 251 Pakwagen (9,850 Requisition Points); The Axis equivalent of the Half-Track, the Pakwagen is also an anti-air vehicle. It has a similar battlefield role and costs the same amount of Requisition Points.
  2. Sturmtiger (20,750 Requisition Points); Comparable to the Crocodile, the Sturmtiger is the Axis heavy tank equivalent. While the Crocodile comes equipped with a flamethrower, the Sturmtiger boasts a heavy mortar which fires 380mm rockets. This makes it Battlefield 5’s most powerful mortar. It has the same seats as a Crocodile and is an excellent anti-Fortification/building vehicle.
  3. V-1 Rocket (41,500 Requisition Points); The most powerful and devastating Battlefield 5 Reinforcements are the rockets. The V-1 rocket deals massive damage when it strikes its target.