BioWare Believes Video Game Subscription Services Will Allow for Different AAA Games

In this day and age, video game subscription services are becoming quite the commonplace. Services like Xbox Gold, PS Plus and the upcoming online Nintendo service have taken the world by storm by taking our money, but providing us with some quality games in the process. While not exactly the same, this is similar to the service offered by Netflix, which still grows and earns at a stunning rate even now.

But what does BioWare have to say about it? According to USGamer Anthem’s executive producer, Mark Darrah, really does find the idea of video game subscription services to be a good one. In fact, the producer believes that we’re living in a “golden age of television” due to Netflix’s platform allowing them to take on a number of different projects and experiment in a lot of unique ways.

Darrah goes on to explain that he would like to see a system like that for video games so that instead of games just being suited for a specific audience, it would instead give people more of a choice and thus diversify their audience and what they would like to play.

Video game subscription services

The reason for Darrah’s desire for a video game subscription like Netflix stems from a fear of AAA games simply looking the same, and aiming for the same goals. As USGamer’s article states, Darrah says that “what you see in television homes is a de-homogenization. There’s more different television being made. And what I worry is happening in games, and triple-A, in particular, is a homogenization.” He continued, “games are getting more like each other. We’re chasing, not the same audiences, but ever sort of convergent audiences—audiences with similar behaviors and play styles.”

Darrah also believes that with a video game subscription service “new genres” that didn’t exist before will shine through as they’ll have the choice to play something else, rather than just stick to the games that they know.