Brain Science, AI: Mental Health Diversity, Inclusion and Equity for Care

Brain science and AI continue to grow in diversity, inclusion and equity towards mental health. There are several experiences [social, political and economic] and channels [bots, remote therapy and so on] that continue to find ways to care for people.

Progress continues against bias, discrimination and exclusion. However, there is a major diversity overlooked in brain science for mental care, constant across all experiences, thought [properties] and memory [rules].

There is no mental health problem without thought. In fact, several mental health problems are thoughts with certain properties. This is different from saying thought disorder or reframe thinking, but thought as the representation of senses and as the basis for experience.

Thought is not less than neurons, or hormones, or neurotransmitters, thoughts, with regards to experiences are superior to those. Thought is beyond the definition of thinking, even including things processed without ‘thinking’ or ‘awareness’.

How does brain science center thought properties as the major factor of all mental health, ill-health and illness?

How does AI, exceed neural network layers, to thought, as the basis for how emotions can be reached, for Chabot of care, or even against car crashes, whose occurrence leads to mental health problems for affected and their loved ones?

Thought properties are an answer.

It is unlikely that university research would find it interesting, since it is not gene talk, molecules or cells.

A start-up, VC, angel investment, gaming company, or others could use the opportunity to display how thoughts relay across the brain to acquire the properties that become what gets experienced.

Mental health is not political, neither is it just social. Those are subjective. The property of thought becomes what decides feelings, emotions, learning, understanding, recall, sleep, appetite, thirst and so on.

Regret is a property thought can acquire in memory location, even if it’s something that’s not a big deal, then gloom for nothing, just like that affecting mental health.

How does this happen, even a conceptual set up, changes the understanding of the brain immensely?

The brain makes the mind from sensory integration or processing, where thoughts emerge, before heading to memory, then feelings destination and for reaction.