Brain Science—NBA 2K23 | Mental Health—What Works the Thoughts | Promptings of Suicide?

Utah State Football Coach, Blake Anderson, recently announced the passing of his son, Cason, by suicide last February. The tragic event for the family—with recent losses, and no sign, symptom or red flag by the son—was harrowing.

The coach encouraged people to take their mental health seriously and reach out for help.

LA Clippers point guard, John Wall, penned a cathartic essay on his struggles with mental health and the suicidal promptings he had over his mom’s passing and a bad infection from surgeries that brought him to the brink of having his foot amputated.

He had two striking lines on thoughts, “One night, after all my homies had left and it was just me sitting there all alone with my thoughts running wild, I got about as close as you can get to making an unfortunate decision and leaving this earth.” And, “The one thing I always held on to, in the darkest times, was the thought of my boys.”

Brooklyn Net’s small forward, Ben Simmons, who played his rookie years and an extension with the Philadelphia 76ers, said they did not provide support for his mental health when he was in a bad place. This is similar to John Wall, who also said he, “was in a really dark place and just couldn’t see a way out.”

When someone is in a tough, dark or bad place on the mind, what does it mean, or what are the properties that thoughts acquire to be subjected to the experience?

There have been musical artists in recent weeks canceling tours, while seeking help with Music Minds Matter, with varying issues including stress and performance related anxiety.

Mental health and its problems work with two major factors, thought of what is known [or memory] and incoming thought [version of senses] relaying to destinations.

Suicide, though complex, works with thoughts that have acquired certain properties. There are common signs [talking about wanting to die, looking for a way to kill oneself, withdrawing or feeling isolated, talking about being a burden to others and so on] but those are not always present.

There are always thoughts and promptings on the road to suicide, but how do they work? It is these constants, not the subjective situations that would shape new understanding of how those at risk, who may not even be aware, understand that the presence of thoughts at certain locations in the mind, sharpens vulnerability.

Brain Science

All sensory inputs head for the thalamus, except for smell that heads for the olfactory bulb. It is at these hubs that senses are processed or integrated before relay for interpretation in the cerebral cortex.

Conceptual Brain Science

It can be theorized that sensory processing or integration of senses is into a uniform unit, quantity, or identity, which is thought or a form of thought. This implies that when anything is sensed in the external, to the brain, they have a new identity, uniformity, representation or equivalent, which is thought or its form.

The social, political, cultural, economic, biological distresses are all forms of thought to the brain. The smells, objects, venues, are all in the form of thought.

Interpretation in the cerebral cortex is postulated to be knowing, feeling and reaction. Knowing is memory. Memory stores thought or its form. Memory has small and large stores. Large stores have a principal spot where just one goes at any moment.

Small stores [prioritized and pre-prioritized] contain the least possible unique information on anything, but large stores collect similarities between them. It is the travel of small stores to large stores across sequences that lead to feelings, before reaction—parallel or perpendicular.

There are experiences where something works fine, it leads to delight. There are others where it doesn’t then leads to despair. It is what is sensed [converted to a new identity, known by transport in memory, that gives feelings—subject to knowing, before reaction] that structures mental health.

Large stores contain all known or recurring experiences, because things get picked up and stored, as commonality in large forms. Whatever it feels like to be hungry, sleepy, happy, cold, hot, craving, feel-like, lethargic, energetic, anxious, traumatic, depressed and so on, are all large stores in the memory.

During activities and interactions, sequences could decide how a small store would touch a large store to bring its substance to bear, or how it would visit a large store for what anything means, or how a large store could go to the principal spot to attract small stores.

It is this interaction in memory locations, conceptually, that begins what is felt.

Thoughts and Promptings of Suicide

Thoughts, in memory stores, aside being steered by inputs, are also active without inputs, given by thinking, imaginations, predictions, dreams, inner voice and so on. Thought, in these small stores acquire properties, by how and to what large stores they go. This makes some intrusive, heavy, light, depressing, anxious, worrying, fearful, nudging and so on.

Bad or dark place is thought in a small store, going to a large store at the principal spot of miserable, torment, anguish, agony, gloom and so on. It is where they acquire the property then go around memory locations, but bearing that drag, before actual feelings then reactions.

If a thought goes to the large store of promptings, or to the side of a large store with feel-like, it makes to want, crave or desire something, with nudges to go for it. It works positively and negatively, depending on other stores it touches after or before.

It works in addiction and substance abuse, if it touches the promptings large store, then goes to the store where [the representation or equivalent] of the substance is known, to bring the experience to want that specific thing. It happens for food, drinks, ambition and others. It could be transient or could linger.

It also applies to suicide, such that just being really miserable, or tired of things as they come in as stimuli, or using stuff recklessly, saying it to others or not, then the thought, going to stores for promptings, exposes an individual to risks.

Displaying this for the destinations of thought and their determination, even in NBA 2K23, could be useful to people, who can’t tell anyone their deepest troubles, to know that risks abound, if these thoughts hit promptings [or consequences-disregard] large store.