Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 Blackout Helicopter Locations Guide

One thing that all players hate in battle royale titles is relocating after the circle starts closing in. Vehicles and speed boosts make it easier but if we can bypass it all together, even better. In Blackout, you can easily move from one area to another using Helicopters. You just have to know where they are located. Here’s where to find all Blackout Helicopter locations.

You might have missed the use of helicopters in Blackout up until now due to the fact that there’s no indication of it being used. When looting in specific areas and find yourself away from the closing circle you can use them to move to an area closer to it. There are 7 Blackout Helicopter Locations. Here’s how to find all of them:

Map of all Blackout Helicopter Locations

  1. Estates – The helicopter pad is located on the eastern side of the area.
  2. Construction Site – The helicopter at the Construction Site can be found on the helipad hanging off of the top of the building. You’ll need to either use the wingsuit to glide or use the elevator on the eastern side of the site to reach the helicopter.
  3. Firing Range – The helicopter can be found just above the green patch on the lower edge of the Firing Range.
  4. Nuketown Island – The Nuketown Island helicopter can be found right at the end of the main street.
  5. Cargo Docks – Players can find a helicopter spawn location on the southern section of the Cargo Docks.
  6. Factory – The helicopter at Factory is found along the lower section of the site.
  7. Turbine –  This helicopter can be found on a little helipad along an offshoot road south of the main facility.

Make sure to make a snapshot of the map in your photographic memory so that you know how to navigate when times get tough. Don’t forget that the helicopter locations may be squad camps, along with the zombie infested areas, so proceed with caution.

Stay tuned to VGR for more Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 guides.