Things Fans Want To Change In Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 On PC

For the first time, Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 On PC will be available through Blizzard’s this year. This gives room for improvement for the franchise, as well as let fans take advantage of the platform’s features such as voice chat.

It’s still a long way before we finally see Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 On PC get released. So until then, here are 10 things fans would love to see changed in the upcoming title that were problematic in previous titles:

Low Priority Lock 

A huge problem for Call of Duty players, expecially the ones with low-end hardware, is the fact that Call of Duty titles since Ghosts is always locked at a low priority process. Letting fans choose how their PC will manage Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 on PC will be a game changer.

Loading Time

As many fans have stated, loading time for Call of Duty titles on PC are longer than on consoles. If Treyarch manages to cut down the times on loading screens then the experience will get better, no matter what system you play the game on.

Game Size

This one is a hard to change since Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 is a next-gen title featuring countless assets and extreme graphics. We hope that the size of the game won’t be anything more than 40-50GB, since anything above that will be a pain to both install and have on your hard drive for a long time.


Volume has been an issue with Call of Duty in Black Ops 3, making fans think that this will be problematic in its predecessor too. The game’s volume reseted every time you restarted it and it was significantly raised during cutscenes as well.


What many members of the Call of Duty community have revealed is the fact that not all players are matched together at all times. As Youtuber Drift0r has detailed in the past, only 10% of the actual game playerbase is able to match with you, being an issue when you face matchmaking problems.

Better Anti-Cheat System

Cheaters have always been a problem on FPS titles. Most of the times, cheats are working on a Call of Duty title only days after their respective releases. Being one of the biggest issues, a better anti-cheat system will make Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 on PC a better experience for everyone.