Call of Duty Black Ops 4 Permanent Unlock Tokens Explained: How to Use the Token

The Call of Duty Black Ops 4 permanent unlock tokens are a familiar feature to veteran COD players. These tokens are tied directly into the core progression for multiplayer. With the BO4 multiplayer being even a more important part of the game than ever before, understanding these tokens is key. However, unlocking them isn’t easy and will take time.

In this guide, we are going to take a look at everything you need to know about Black Ops 4 permanent unlock tokens. We are going to go over how to unlock a token, how to use it, and what they are for. Let’s start by taking a look at what these tokens are. Here’s how you can get a token for yourself.

What Are Black Ops 4 Permanent Unlock Tokens?

Black Ops 4 permanent unlock tokens explained

Black Ops 4 permanent unlock tokens are a feature that is tied directly into the prestige system. In case you didn’t know, prestige is when the player reaches the max level and starts over at one again. Doing this action involves a lot of rewards, one of which is the token. The token can then be used to permanently unlock something.

You see, starting over at level one can reset a lot of the progress you made during your time. The Black Ops 4 permanent unlock tokens prevent one thing from resetting. This could be a weapon and so on. You can find the tokens you currently have by going to the multiplayer section, going to the menu, and heading to the progress and unlocks tab.

We recommend using your Black Ops 4 permanent unlock tokens on higher level gear. Use it on something that took you a long time to unlock, especially if you enjoyed using it. This will let you immediately have it right from level one and not have to grind to unlock it again.