Destiny 2: Weekly Reset Activities (November 19, 2019)

Another week, another weekly reset in Destiny 2. Last week, we had The Pyramidion for the Nightfall Ordeal. Normal Nightfalls were Lake of Shadows, Exodus Crash, and The Festering Core. As for the Crucible, Momentum Control was really well-received by the community. Despite it needing some adjustments, Momentum Control is a really fun and fast-paced game mode in PvP

Destiny 2 Weekly Reset (November 19, 2019)

Destiny 2 reset Xenophage

Nightfall Ordeal: The Scarlett Keep


  • Empath: Enhanced Radar. Take increased damage from melee.
  • Champions: Unstoppable
  • Champion: Barrier
  • Hashladun’s Serenade: Arc damage increases. Knockback damage and distance increased.
  • Match Game
  • Champions: Mob: Increased number of Champions
  • Chaff: Radar is disabled. 


  • The Insight Terminus (The Long Goodbye)
  • Strange Terrain (Braytech Osprey)
  • The Hollowed Lair (Mindbender’s Ambition)

FLASHPOINTEuropean Dead Zone 

Complete various activities around European Dead Zone (EDZ), including public events, Lost Sectors, and Heroic Adventures.

Weekly Crucible and Gambit Playlists:

  • 4v4: Breakthrough
  • 6v6: Mayhem

Heroic Strikes BurnVoid

Dreaming City CycleStrong Curse

Note: Shattered Throne is now available permanently. No need to wait for 3 weeks.

  • Petra is at Rheasilvia.
  • Weekly MissionThe Oracle Engine – The Taken threaten to take control of an irreplaceable Awoken communications device.
  • Ascendant Challenge: Harbinger’s Seclude

PvE Activities:

Escalation Protocol BossNur Abath, Crest of Xol

  • IKELOS_SG_v1.0.1 (Shotgun)

Heroic Menagerie Boss: Hasapiko, Vex Minotaur


  • Extinguish: If your Fireteam falls in a Restricted Zone, everyone is returned to orbit.
  • Blackout: Enemy melee attacks are significantly more power, and radar is disabled
  • Iron: Enemies have more health and are not staggered by damage.

The Reckoning Boss: Likeness of Orys

  • Spare Rations
  • Outlast
  • Bug-Out Bag
  • Gnawing Hunger
  • Doomsday

These are all the activities released with this week’s reset (November 19, 2019, to November 26, 2019). If you have any questions, make sure to let us know in the comments!

Destiny 2: Shadowkeep is now live on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC, released on October 1, 2019, and later in November on Google Stadia.