Destiny 2’s Forsaken Expansion Will Make Noticeable Changes to the Game’s Economy

It’s pretty obvious at this point that Destiny 2’s upcoming Forsaken expansion will be bringing some pretty big and widespread changes to the game, changes that will affect pretty much everything from Lost Sectors to weapon mods. Fans have naturally been curious as to how such changes will be affecting Destiny 2’s economy, and in the most recent This Week at Bungie blog post, Bungie took the time to address upcoming economy and currency changes specifically.

The planetary token system is being done away with.

You can read about the planned changes in full via the above This Week at Bungie post, but here are some quick highlights that should give you the basic picture of how things will be changing once the Forsaken pre-patch launches on August 28:

  • The current token-based reputation system will continue to apply for Vanguard, Crucible, and Iron Banner, but it will be retired for all planetary destinations (EDZ, Titan, Nessus, etc.).
  • Instead of reputation tokens, planetary reputation vendors will accept their associated planet’s destination materials (so Dusklight Shards in the EDZ, for example) as currency for gaining additional reputation.
  • Destination materials will also drop from public events and other activities in lieu of reputation tokens.
  • Destination materials will also be needed to infuse certain weapons and armor pieces.
  • Planetary reputation vendors will offer bounties with destination material rewards to replace the Year 1 challenges that granted reputation tokens.
  • Any existing reputation tokens a player has will still be redeemable, but no new tokens will drop.
  • Trials of the Nine and Faction Rallies will be on temporary hiatus throughout Destiny 2’s fourth season (a season which begins with the launch of Forsaken) and thus tokens from those respective activities won’t be redeemable.
  • The number of Gunsmith Materials needed to earn a reputation package from Banshee-44 will be upped from 40 to 100.

Bungie is still in the process of deliberating whether or not it will continue to use a token-based system for Trials of the Nine when it decides to bring the activity back. No matter what, it’s still probably a good idea to hold onto your current Trials tokens since there will likely be some plan in place to convert them into rewards should Bungie decide to adopt a new system.