Detroit: Become Human Developer Loses Lawsuit Against Former Employee

Quantic Dream, the studio who developed Heavy Rain and Detroit: Become Human, has been embroiled in a court case since January. The studio was accused by a former employee of a variety of charges, and this Quantic Dream lawsuit has now come to an end; the French studio has lost. This isn’t the first time that the developer has been accused in this manner, but it is the first time that courts have ruled in favor of the studio’s employees.

The Quantic Dream Lawsuit

Back in January, an employee at Quantic Dream quit the company after it emerged that offensive images had been photoshopped of the employee and circulated among other members of staff. The images emerged as part of the findings from a team of journalists from Canard PC, Le Monde, and Mediapart. These journalists had been investigating toxic workplace culture, and their findings on Quantic Dream were extensive. Their report accused both David Cage and Guillaume de Fondaumière, the heads of the studio, of overworking their staff. It also accused the pair of engaging in inappropriate behavior and of turning a blind eye to a racist and sexist culture among their staff.

Quantic Dream Loses Court Case Over Unfair Dismissal

Canard PC’s report was especially damning. Although David Cage stated at the time of the report’s release that he was “shocked” to learn of the allegations, he has since changed his tune; he decried the reports as part of a dedicated “smear campaign” against Quantic Dream. Shortly after that, the developer attempted to sue all three publications which had contributed to the reporting. Those lawsuits are still ongoing. However, the court case which has now been concluded revolved around the incident mentioned above.

The Court Ruling

Although French employment law is somewhat complex, the situation was, roughly, thus; the employee who quit Quantic Dream was able to quit in such a way that, while they forfeited their pay and employee rights, was able to petition a court that the case was, in effect, unfair dismissal. The case provoked another investigation of Quantic Dream by the labor court handling the case. What they uncovered must have matched with the employee’s accusations; the court has ruled in favor of the employee. To be clear, they have ruled that their quitting will be seen as unfair dismissal. Quantic Dream do still have the option to appeal the decision.

Quantic Dream is Still Embroiled in Several Lawsuits

Quantic Dream has been taken to court on three occasions by former employees. However, this is the first instance where a court has found in favor of the employees. The previous two cases were dismissed, although one has been appealed. It remains to be seen what the consequences for Quantic Dream will be as a result of this case. The developer is still embroiled in lawsuits; those against the three media organisations who investigated them. As a result, the studio is unlikely to make any admissions of guilt in this case.