Don’t Be Fooled By Fake Fortnite “Android” Apps

If you’re going to scam someone, you may as well do it with Fortnite. It’s one of the biggest games on the entire planet right now, and it’s only getting more popular as the days wear on. It’s even coming to additional platforms, namely Android (it’s already on iOS) and possibly even Nintendo Switch, if rumors ahead of E3 2018 are to be believed. That’s why people are trying to get one over on folks by using the Fortnite fervor to fool unsuspecting users.

The game just came to iOS not too long ago, but make no mistake: It is not currently on Android just yet. It won’t be on Android devices until Epic Games has made an official announcement deeming it so. So, make sure that you’re not falling victim to those preying on anyone looking for the Android version of the game, only to be met with a scam and heartache.

There have been plenty of examples (check out this Reddit thread) of people “installing apps” to unlock Fortnite on Android, which are out and out lies. Don’t fall victim to this, and make sure if you know any younger players out there who just might not realize it’s a scam, keep them from suspicious APK downloads and other apps that could just steal your entire Fortnite account if you’re not careful.

Fortnite Android (Mobile)

When Epic Games does release the official Android version of the game later this summer, we’ll make sure you know about it. Until then, don’t bother trying anything that even seems a bit iffy. You’ll end up downloading malicious software 9 times out of 10, and that won’t end up well for anyone. Remember, look for official tweets or Epic Games communications or emails, and you’ll be good. When theĀ real app is up for grabs, you’ll be able to lock it at VGR for all the latest news on it.