Epic Games Pledges to Fund $100 Million Worth of Fortnite Esports Prizes

Epic Games pours a lot of energy and love into making Fortnite an amazing experience—one which continues to grow and evolve. Now, the company has announced it is pouring a lot of money in as well—as in a lot. Just how much? $100 million.

The $100 million will all go straight to the prize pool for Fortnite’s competitive 2018-2019 esports season. In the blog post announcing the contribution, Epic Games stated, “our approach [to competitive play] will be different – we plan to be more inclusive, and focused on the joy of playing and watching the game.” It’ll be interesting to find out exactly what that means.

Fortnite is a relative newcomer in the world of esports, but the Battle Royale-style shooter has achieved viral engagement and success on a level which is in some respects unprecedented. Epic Games seems dedicated to keeping gameplay fresh for its entire player base. If it puts the same amount of effort and commitment into competitive play, Fortnite is bound to become an esports mainstay.

There is breaking news on Fortnite on an almost constant basis these days. Be sure to keep up with all of our Fortnite updates right here on VGR!