Everything We Know About Fortnite Season 7

Can you believe that we get to jump into the excitement of Fortnite Season 7 tomorrow? Even though tomorrow is on its way, it still feels like an endless wait. What do we know about what we can expect next season? Let’s take a look at all three teaser images and their implications. We’ll also go over some relevant rumors.

Fortnite Season 7 Teaser Images

There are three official Fortnite Season 7 teaser images. The first was released two days ago, and the last one came out today. All three feature stylized artwork with an icy look.

It’s almost time for Fortnite Season 7.

The first teaser image features a figure with hidden features, glowing eyes, and what looks like medieval armor. If you look closely at the figure’s shoulder on the right, you can see a smaller figure on a snowboard.

Fortnite Season 7 is almost here, and winter is on its way.

The next image has a snowboarding figure in the foreground. The figure looks a lot like Drift, but not exactly. In the background, there is a distant figure on a zipline.

Get ready for ziplines, airplanes and more in Fortnite Season 7.

The third image shows us a figure on a zipline in the foreground that resembles a yeti. In the background, you can glimpse a biplane.

Now, if you look at these images in succession and study the details, you should notice something. Each image is a zoomed-in version of a detail from the last. The snowboarder in the second teaser image is the same one we saw on the figure’s shoulder in image 1. The “yeti” on the zipline in image 3 is the same small figure that was in the background of image 2.

Aside from just being really cool, this raises some interesting questions. Is that medieval figure with the glowing eyes actually a literal part of some snowy landscape that these smaller figures are traversing? Or is this a metaphor of some sort (perhaps that figure brought the snowy landscape)?

Regardless, it looks like we’re getting snowboarding, ziplines and airplanes. That is pretty darn awesome all in itself.

Fortnite Season 7 Rumors

Now that we’ve taken a look at the teaser images, it is worth mentioning a few rumors that have been circulating. All of these pointed toward a wintry theme even before Epic confirmed it.

  • The recent addition of the A.I.M. skin has frost on the arms and legs.
  • A mysterious cloud formed offshore south of Flush Factory.
  • In a Rift in the Wailing Woods, you can see a medieval castle in a snowy environment (at least that is what it looks like).
  • Then there is the iceberg with the castle turret on top.

This is all very exciting stuff! We should know what at least some of it means tomorrow.

When Does Fortnite Season 7 Begin?

The Fortnite Season 7 release date is Thursday, December 6th. Based on regular patch times, we expect it to launch at around 4 AM EDT. While you count down the hours, catch up on our most recent Fortnite updates.