New Fallout 4 Mod Turns Synths Into the Androids From Detroit: Become Human

A new Fallout 4 mod offers gamers a complete redesign of the game’s synths, turning them all into androids reminiscent of those from Detroit: Become Human. The mod features 4K textures for all of the game’s synths. It even includes unique revamp skins for Nick Valentine, the synth detective companion, and DIMA; the synth character who featured in the Far Harbor DLC.

The “Synths Revamped” Fallout 4 Mod

Entitled “Synths Revamped,” the mod was released just a few days ago and yet has already accrued almost 200 endorsements on NexusMods, not to mention over 12,000 total downloads. The mod is the work of a modder who goes by Fuse00, who has posted several Fallout 4 face and body texture mods in the past. Apparently, Fuse00 was inspired to create the mod by the look of the androids in Detroit: Become Human. Synths Revamped includes entirely new face, body, eyes, and mouth 4K textures for the game’s synths. It even includes unique textures for some of the named synth characters; specifically, Nick Valentine and DIMA. Players are able to switch these named character textures on or off. In addition, players can optionally switch synths from human-style eyes to robotic, glowing blue eyes.

The Fallout 4 Mod Features an Optional Set of Textures for Nick Valentine

Although the revamped synths aren’t quite as realistic as Detroit: Become Human’s androids, they’re certainly much more realistic than the ordinary synths. Although Nick Valentine and some of the generic synths still show signs of wear and tear, the revamped synths appear to be, on the whole, in much better condition. Nick Valentine’s textures even show signs of once having some form of synthetic skin; making him more closely resemble the highly realistic Detroit androids. Sadly, the mod does not give him the ability to perform coin tricks. Nevertheless, the mod is certainly impressive, and sure to give the synths in Fallout 4 a new lease of life. (Idiomatically speaking, of course.)