Fortnite Streamer Ninja Racks An Insane Amount of Headshots in a Row

Whether you love him or you’d rather all of us stop giving him any media coverage at all, Fortnite Battle Royale streamer Tyler “Ninja” Blevins has an impressive new feat he’s shared with the world by way of his Twitter account. He’s got the skills to pay the bills, as it were, which is evident in this latest clip and just about every one of his streams. There’s a reason why everyone knows his name, and it’s not just because he played the game with Drake. Okay, maybe a little bit.

The former professional Halo player just ended a pretty impressive sniping spree where he breezes through the game sniping as free as a bird, and racks up quite a few kills while he’s at it. You watch him grab the headshots in the clip, one (boom!) by (boom!) one, and he cackles wildly as he realizes what kind of amazing luck he’s having on this streak.

It’s hard not to cheer him on as he racks up the kills, in what he calls one of his most insane sprees yet. In addition to his personable presence and skill, he’s got fun things like this that make you more interested in everything he’s got going on.

And there’s certainly plenty to do in Fortnite right now with the implementation of Season 4, with a whole new list of challenges to complete and other fun items to purchase from the Fortnite Store. Dusty Depot is now the Dusty Divot, and the map is rife with rocks that grant you antigravity powers. It’s a pretty awesome sight to see.

You can check out Ninja and his Fortnite exploits every day during his routine Twitch streams. Those are what’s making him those obscene amounts of money, after all.