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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/27/2021 in all areas

  1. As I've mentioned in the topic Games that were worth it but not at full price? I rarely buy games at full price, so it made no sense to list almost every game I bought. So in this topic I'm asking what games you regretted buying because they were not worth whatever you paid for them. So here goes my list Fallout 4 Season Pass. I bought this in the middle of my playthrough of the base game when I was still enthusiastic about it, but by the time any DLC dropped I wasn't interested in the game, I never even finished the content, I maybe spent 20 minutes with the DLCs. Far Cry: New Dawn. I expected more Far Cry 5 style content from this, instead it got completely revamped and turned into a grindfest with tiered enemies and weapons, I hated it and never finished the game. Rage 2: I was excited for the game because I loved Mad Max, and this was virtually the same game in concept, made by the same developers. Unfortunately I was gravely disappointed, barely spent half an hour with it before abandoning the game.I might try again some time but so far it was a waste of money. The Last of Us Remastered. I bought this for the PS4, but never actually played it. I had hoped they improved the controls over the PS3 version, but sadly it was just as frustrating as the original release. So I spent an hour with it and realized this will end badly. Best case me breaking the controller, worst case throwing it into the TV. Mafia III: Just simply a bad game, that I never got my money's worth out of. Sniper Ghost Warrior 3: I got this really cheap with all DLC included I had thought I made such a deal. Only to find out that the game is actually terrible.
    1 point
  2. Kane99

    The Saboteur

    Anyone remember this game? It is kind of a hidden gem. I remember when it came out on the 360 (ps3 and PC I think) and it was essentially you taking out nazis, but you could climb buildings, use stealth and or go in guns ablazing. When you play, you'll notice the world is dark and grey, but as you overtake nazi outposts and such, you start to see color in the world. Anyway, I remember it was similar to Assassin's Creed, at least with how you can climb. In fact, I liked the climbing in this game more than AC to be honest. Sadly, this was one game I rented and never played after. I was thinking about picking it up recently, but idk if I'd be into re-playing it again.
    1 point
  3. Eh, I have to disagree, as this game never really took off. If anything, it was pretty much dead on arrival. The userbase pretty much dropped the game soon after release. There are some devoted fans, but most people dropped out of the game soon after they finished it. Cyberpunk 2077 is far from a flop though. It didn't live up to the hype though, but I wouldn't say it was a flop, considering they still made a shit ton on the game, even with all the problems.
    1 point
  4. Empire

    The Saboteur

    I have not played this, yet I do remember seeing others playing this drunk off of Jack Daniels honey. Just going on a random tank rampage. It was good times. Wounder if we can see a 2020 or 2021 remap edtion of this?
    1 point
  5. that's roughly in the same ballpark as PS4 launch sales. Except the PS4 didn't have a pandemic driving sales. If they were able to keep up with the demand they could'Ve sold twice that.
    1 point
  6. I used to play 2D side scroller platformers a lot, but they can't keep me occupied anymore, I've tried modern ones, and I always get super bored in 2 minutes. The other genre is RTS games, not out of choice, but because there are no good games in the genre, hasn't been in a long time.
    1 point
  7. So you tried to play it and it broke down. It actually sounds legitimate copy of Alfa Romeo Racing as it's a perfect simulation of thier cars.
    1 point
  8. Calm down. Just because a game includes skins and/or aesthetic options and touches from a movie, especially when that movie is based on the game to begin with, it doesn't make it a movie based based game, and even if it did, it doesn't spell doom for game. Having said that, @Kane99, a video game based on a movie based on a game is a concept that's been done before with predictively has results. Did you know their is a Street Fighter: The Movie, the game? It was basically a clone of Street Fighter 2, except the character models were replaced with digitised models of the actors from the film.
    1 point
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