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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/13/2021 in all areas

  1. Anywhere it's not stable. Nothing like trying to have a nice dinner date, then a bomb goes off. "Oh come on, don't let that kill the moment. It's just fireworks!" "Then why is everyone running?" "They just don't want to miss the show. That looks delicious, how is it?" "Umm, maybe we should go." "No no, it's over now see?" BOOM "That was not fireworks! I'm leaving" "Damn, that's the second time this week. F%%%. Guess I better stop by the video store." BOOM
    1 point
  2. No athlete or anyone else should ever have to go through that crap. It's a team effort, but people always want to look for a scapegoat, but to be blatantly racist about it is just another level of hate. Those same people would praise and cheer if he made the goals, but attack his skin color when he doesn't. These things aren't gonna change and will only continue to get worse because jerks at the top like Boris Johnson condones that behavior. People simply need to be punished for being racist. I say start fining them for racist attacks. Once they get punished at the pockets, then they will start to listen. We get fined for things for far less than racism. We can't depend on people to just change their rhetoric. We can't depend on those at the top to change their rhetoric. We have laws against hate crimes; it's time to treat racist rhetoric as a threat because it ultimately is. This shit is gonna leave psychological scars on those young athletes. Racists can't be allowed to abuse people in that way. It IS abuse.
    1 point
  3. I would tell the investors they just have to wait and that they don't get to set a deadline. I would have my employees work their best at games, and pay them a fair amount. They would get overtime if they decided to stay late to continue working on the game they were assigned to. They would do a 9-5 M-F. If they wanted overtime they could come in on the weekends by their choice. They could stay past 5:00 by their choice if they wanted to. After the game was completed, I would have a team of testers whose sole job was to play the game and document any bugs or broken issues with the game. Report it to the developers, and then have the developers work on the game to fix the issues. When the testers play it and give it the green light, then the game would be released to stores to buy.
    1 point
  4. Ooh I've been told so many times online that I'm blunt and at times it's hurt some feelings. I don't like to purposely sugar coat things but there are times with some types of discussions that I'm aware I have to speak with a little more gentleness. But I do believe the truth needs to be stated in most cases.
    1 point
  5. I would think this should be something that the parents choose for their families and not something that any government should impose. Yes, children's brains and health are at risk if they are constantly are glued to a video game. But parents should be the ones who step in and set boundaries.
    1 point
  6. Any bright light is annoying, no excptions. I used to tape the power led on some of my displays and other equipment.
    1 point
  7. Probably call. It's more personal and every detail can be discussed quickly and easily. Better than texting back and forth for hours, waiting for a reply, guessing if this or that was meant this or that way, ironic or not, Calling is my preferred way.
    1 point
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