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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/30/2022 in all areas

  1. The worst thing is that Luna 2.0 is launching and you have idiots supporting that as well. I can't stop laughing...
    1 point
  2. Couple i can think off : Assasins creed black flag : pretty obvious and likely boring choice but wait let's massage my brain and see if i can think of a couple more. Maneater : Kind of an underrated game where your play as a shark in an openworld, offcourse it's mostly underwater but you can still attack and eat people on the coast lines, had a lot of fun with this one. By the end of the game you're an unstoppable force, exellent game that would probably my top pick for this thread if you're looking to play a game that is just a blast to play. Another obvious answer would be ecco the dolphin. Bioshock games also have some interesting underwater sections from what i remember but it's been years since i played those games so my memory isen't all that great. Abzu would be an exellent choice aswell. other recent games i can remember that include underwater sections that were good : rayman legends and offcourse how can i forgot super Mario Odyssey, Seaside Kingdom section. I don't really know how far you want to go back into time but my favourite underwater section has to be Legend of zelda majora’s mask – great bay temple dungeon. Also from what i remember the underwater levels in the donkey kong country series were also top notch and how could i forgot super mario 64 Dire Dire Docks level. Don't know if this is the answer you're looking for? I usually hate underwater levels especially the ones in the crash bandicoot series and the first sonic games so it's a hard subject for me to come up with something good.
    1 point
  3. Yeah save points are a good addition to suspense in games. You can not interact with them when you are in a fight, so it can't be exploited like in many other checkpoint based games. Beiing able to save at will is good for many games, but it can also lead to recklessness. If you are not worried about failing at all, because you save at every corner that kind of takes away the suspense. Which in turn reduces immersion.
    1 point
  4. Obvious answer would be assasins creed since everithing historic is neatly explained in a database well in the first few games. Not really sure how many people bothered with this but in the first few games i learned quite a bit about the italian renaissance ( that i forgot mostly in the maintime ) Gran turismo always did a great job in telling car history, as far as game it's also a car encyclopedia. Maybe a more obscure one but both Endless ocean games on the wii, while gameplay wise there isen't a whole lot to it, you can explore the depts of the sea at your own pace as it simulates fish and other sea life accuratly, once you discover a new life form you can learn more about the fish you just discovered, i'm not sure how many people even played this but from what i remember it's quite a relaxing experience. But anyways you could pretty much list any game here that has deep choices to make and will make you think twice before you take action. Maybe not as educational as one thinks but imo some moral choices learn from them and take with you in real life.
    1 point
  5. Anyway, may as well get back on topic now. Like others such as @Yaramaki, @kingpotato and @Reality vs Adventure have said, I'm not really big into multiplayer anymore. I enjoy a compelling story as a empowering yet relatable character more than I do playing multiplayer. Multiplayer is always a nice option, but if that's all the game rally has to offer than as soon as people move on from it, the game is worthless. Without a story mode, a game will just fizzle out and not leave a lasting impact.
    1 point
  6. I get your point about having this kind of system adding suspense. Being able to save whenever you want does remove a lot of that tension since loosing really has little to no consequence. So I agree that it's not good to let a save anytime and anywhere they want with no restrictions. With that being said, the more traditional save point system did used to really drive me nuts back in the day when I was playing some of the older Final Fantasy games. I could loose 10 minutes or more of progress not because I got a fail state, but I because had to stop playing to go to work, school or run some other errand and didn't have time to go back to a save point. I think the best system is the one in Horizon Zero Dawn/Forbidden West. You need to get to a campfire to manually save like in those older games but: It autosaves as well. You can fast travel. A campfire is never more than a few minutes away. As a player you should only be at risk of failure, not of having to stop.
    1 point
  7. I don't push myself to the extreme limit while playing games, therefore, I have never blackout. Gaming is just fun activity and I do not want to hurt my mind and body by pushing myself to extreme limit.
    1 point
  8. DC

    Milestone Thread

    I'd love for the forum to reach 20,000 members and 200,000 total posts by the end of the year, with of course the majority of the content being high quality...
    1 point
  9. That’s what I do with my stories. One of my novels is on its 8th draft, and the other is on its 7th. And I been working on them for YEARS. I’m not even considering the possibility of publishing, until I myself can’t find anything left in the story needing editing. I may be 99 years old and on my deathbed before a review is posted. Grandkids (possibly even great-grandchildren) will be playing a PS22 and call the PS5 archaic. So until I decide it’s ready, no one but me (and possibly @Rain Dew) will see or read anything I write.
    1 point
  10. For starters they should focus more on graphic quality instead of all the motion technologies. Visual is the most important thing.
    1 point
  11. -Cave -One bed room -Built by nature -One corner for bathroom, another corner for bed -Roommate is a racoon, very rude but pays rent with stolen goods -Cheap since its a cave so free (The racoon doesnt know that) -Color, brown dirt shit -About 1 meter or 3ft tall -I rent the place to a bear during the christmas holidays, bastard is always on a bad mood after his stay but again he pays rent -Outdoors, lots of open space around -Ongoing fight with squirrels neighboors, they tend to shit on the drive way, the racoon is helping me to fight back, we are doing the same to their tree.
    1 point
  12. Lucid dreaming is in the same boat as hypnosis for me: pure bullshit. I was brought up on stage by a "hypnotist" for a demonstration. People asked why I was the only one not responding to her. She told scrambled and said that sometimes that happens. I told the crowd that I wasn't hypnotized. That's when everyone could tell that the rest weren't either and started leaving her little "show".
    1 point
  13. Like all Seasons my favorite character is always Sheriff Hopper 😁 True hero.
    1 point
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