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Posts posted by DudeThatsErin

  1. I think? My husband does but I'm not 100% sure. He hasn't played it in forever though. It also isn't my type of game so it isn't something I'm really interested in.

  2. I'm going back and forth on it in my head and I'm not sure.

    On one hand, I can do everything (and more) on my husband's switch which he rarely ever/never uses but on the other, if he is using it and I want to play Splatoon 2 (for example) with him, I wouldn't be able to do that.

    What do you guys think?

  3. On 1/27/2020 at 7:06 PM, The Blackangel said:

    I think as time goes by they're all going to do what they can to phase out all physical games and everything will digital downloads. PlayStation, Nintendo, Xbox, and any other competitors that enter the mix whether they make it or not. But after seeing the train wreck that is Google Stadia, I highly doubt we'll see many new challengers to the Big 3.

    Agreed. Digital versions of games are going to become the norm so I think Sony is just jumping on that train as fast as they can.

  4. My husband wants the digital edition because he only ever downloads his games and buys downloadable games and nowadays when you buy discs you have to download the data to the console anyway so not only is the game taking up space on your console but you have to have the disc to play it and if something happens to the disc you are screwed.

    I'm not sure though but I don't even know that I want it either way so hahaha I guess I'm not the best for this.

  5. I played it a bit on my husband's switch but not lately. I want to get back into it and restart on my Switch Lite (if possible) soon. I'm honestly thinking about selling my switch lite because not all games are available on it and I wish I would have kept the regular switch instead.

  6. This is my favorite series to watch on Twitch or my husband play. Just messing around in the game and doing dome stuff is so much fun. I can't play it myself because the loading times are too long and my ADHD prevents me from focusing once a loading screen comes up.

  7. Do you play this on any platform?

    I play Pokemon TCG on my iPad sometimes but haven't in a while. I, honestly, forgot it was on my iPad until just now. hahahaha It is a good game though. I haven't played YuGiOh much but my husband liked it while he was in the Army.

  8. On 3/17/2020 at 12:34 PM, The Blackangel said:

    This is bugging the hell out of me. I'm having an issue with my Switch. Obviously I'm online with my PC. My phone has internet. I downloaded a game that I got here from @DC in the bid for rewards board a couple hours ago onto my Xbox. My Switch however, will not connect to the internet I keep getting the error message "Could not perform DNS name resolution." I don't know what the hell that means, and I've also never had this problem before with my Switch. I've been troubleshooting all damn day, and can't figure out anything. I can't download any kind of update because obviously that requires an online connection. It connects to my network device (router?) but won't connect to the internet. I have entered and reentered my password about 30 times so far. I have also restarted, and just shut it off for a while several times. No help there either. I'm completely at a loss.

    Does anyone have any idea what the problem is?

    Ugh. KMNP.

    Were you ever able to get this fixed?

  9. I use all apple applications since I switched recently from Android to iPhone and plan to keep my iPhone.

    Apps I use are:

    • Notes - I'm using that to keep track of forums that I'm posting on. I use the Apple Pencil to write on it all the time with my iPad Pro and it is awesome.
    • Reminders
    • Calendar
    • Newton - not an Apple app but still a really good email app.

    These are my favorite productivity apps and keep me up-to-date on everything I need.

  10. I think the future "console" is going to be the PC. That's really the only thing that can compete with the PS and Xbox. They can even have more specs and play games better than the new ones that haven't even come out yet.

  11. On 7/17/2020 at 2:05 PM, skyfire said:

    Some games run on tablet just fine. Take example of the android and the iOS devices and basic games like mobile legends, and PUBG on them. 

    Agreed. Tablets make great gaming platforms for games that are optimized for their screen size. I love having the extra screen real estate.

  12. On 7/26/2020 at 2:44 PM, AndreiMirfi said:

    PS2, Windows PC and, sometimes, Android. On my PC, I'm currently into NFS games. Payback, Rivals, Most Wanted 2012

    NFS is such a good series! Those are some great games of that series too!

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