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    Kane99 got a reaction from Knight Plug in Valve Reportedly Planning A Steam Console To Compete With PlayStation & Xbox   
    Source - https://twistedvoxel.com/valve-planning-steam-console-to-compete-with-playstation-xbox/
    This would be pretty cool. I know they are making the Steam OS easily accessible to users, as you can now download Steam OS to other devices and may even use it on PC. So it would be very interesting if Valve decides to make their own console. They have the catalog of games already, and I'm sure they could make a console that matches what most consoles do today, if not better. 
    Though this might not be 100% true. It's all alleged by an insider who also happens to be a content creator, who recently spoke about how another YouTuber spilled the details about there being a new console in the works. He believes it has something to do with Valve being heavily involved in the development of drivers for the AMD 9070 GPU, and it's alleged that will be in the console. 
    Check the article above for more details on this news. 
    What do you think though? Would you like Valve to come out with a console? I know we've had a SteamBox I think it was back in the day, which was kind of like a console/PC hybrid if I remember correctly. But I don't think they've outright made their own console aside from the SteamDeck. 
  2. Thanks
    Kane99 got a reaction from Knight Plug in Nintendo Switch 2 Officially revealed, to come out this year.   
    The Nintendo Switch 2 has finally been revealed after countless leaks as of late. Nintendo probably figured it was time to make a announcement due to that. Check out the reveal trailer below.
    More info here - https://www.nintendo.com/successor/en-us/index.html
  3. Thanks
    Kane99 got a reaction from Knight Plug in Becrowned - Game inspired by early Silent Hill games   
    This game looks interesting, it's said to be a retro style horror game from the team at 13th Street. I definitely get Silent Hill vibes from the trailer, especially with the style of music. 
    Check out the trailer below. It looks to be coming out for PC, but there's no release date at this time. 
  4. Like
    Kane99 got a reaction from killamch89 in Meet Catly: the bizarre "AI slop" cat game that snuck into The Game Awards   
    Source - https://www.yahoo.com/tech/meet-catly-bizarre-ai-slop-160000234.html
    If you guys watched the Game Awards a few days ago, you probably saw the trailer for some new open world RPG featuring cats called Catly. I didn't pay much attention to the trailer when the game awards first aired, but after re-watching the trailer, it looks pretty suspicious. There's claim the developers were responsible for games that never saw the life of day, or didn't last long. It's also being alleged that one of the developers on the game, previously worked on a blockchain/cryptocurrency/NFT game called "Alien Meow" which looks pretty similar to Catly. 
    Their steam page also seems suspicious, like made with AI: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2987350/Catly/. You can also read what curators are saying on the game so far here: https://store.steampowered.com/curators/curatorsreviewing/?appid=2987350 It's pretty
    Check out the trailer below to form your own opinion. Do you think this was all made with generative AI?
  5. Sad
    Kane99 got a reaction from Knight Plug in Onimusha: Way of the Sword   
    A new Onimusha game is finally coming, but sadly we have to wait until 2026, so a bit of a ways off. But fans of the franchise will probably be happy to jump back into the series with a new iteration. Check out the reveal trailer below. 
  6. Thanks
    Kane99 got a reaction from Knight Plug in Do you think most gamers are "Toxic"?   
    Do you guys think that most gamers are "toxic"? I don't think most of us are, but I'd argue that most online gamers tend to be toxic, at least those you meet in the lobbies with voice chat enabled. It isn't as bad as the early 360/ps3 days when gamers would just swear up a storm, throw out racial slurs and just be obnoxiously loud and dumb. But these days, I just ignore those lobbies by sticking to my private chats with friends. 
    I cringe whenever I hear a lobby voice chat. I always make sure I'm muted, and if anyone talks to me, I tend to ignore them, unless they're being kind, which I may respond, idk. 
    I feel like a lot of the gamers out there are toxic, but I think you could say that about most people these days haha. Just look at social media. 
  7. Thanks
    Kane99 got a reaction from Knight Plug in Pizza Chain Transforms Your PS5 Into a Pizza Warmer With Free 3D Printed Design   
    Source - https://mp1st.com/news/pizza-chain-transforms-your-ps5-into-a-pizza-warmer-with-free-3d-printed-design

    You guys remember the KFConsole that was a custom built PC with an actual chicken warmer built in. Well now Pizza Hut has created a 3D print of a pizza warmer that can be used on your PS5. Of course you will need a 3D printer capable of printing it, but it's free otherwise. You can download the 3D print here: https://pizzahutpizzawarmer.ca/
    Would you print something like this? I think it's funny, but I don't think I would do this. 
  8. Like
    Kane99 got a reaction from killamch89 in Ever get bored of violence in video games?   
    I think it depends on the game mostly. If the game has violence like rdr2, the last of us 1 and 2, i dont think I woukd get bored with the violence. 
    The recent sniper elite was kind tamed down. I don't recall hitting a single grenade on a soldiers hip like in past versions. Just felt like they didn't update much with it. 
  9. Like
    Kane99 got a reaction from killamch89 in Ubisoft Faces Class Action Lawsuit Over The Crew Shutdown   
    Another day, another problem for Ubisoft. This time around they are facing a class action lawsuit over The Crew shutdown. The servers for the game were shutdown back in December of 2023, resulting in the game essentially being useless. By April 2024, players couldn't even play the game. The game doesn't have an offline mode, and it seems fans were hoping for at least that. Two people brought the lawsuit up earlier this month in an attempt to create a class action lawsuit over the fact that gamers were mislead about ownership and licensing. 
    Ubisoft did give out refunds to people who recently purchased the game, but those who had the game since release, did not qualify for a refund. 
    Article source - https://mp1st.com/news/ubisoft-faces-class-action-lawsuit-over-the-crew-shutdown
    I think it is sad to see games like this not support an offline mode so people can further enjoy it when it's no longer supported. Also, it would have been even cooler if they allowed gamers to open up their own servers for these games, to give more life to this game and others like it. There's a bit community of gamers out there who keep old online games alive, I'm sure they could do the same here. Let the gamers open it up to their own servers. 
  10. Like
    Kane99 got a reaction from killamch89 in Pizza Chain Transforms Your PS5 Into a Pizza Warmer With Free 3D Printed Design   
    Source - https://mp1st.com/news/pizza-chain-transforms-your-ps5-into-a-pizza-warmer-with-free-3d-printed-design

    You guys remember the KFConsole that was a custom built PC with an actual chicken warmer built in. Well now Pizza Hut has created a 3D print of a pizza warmer that can be used on your PS5. Of course you will need a 3D printer capable of printing it, but it's free otherwise. You can download the 3D print here: https://pizzahutpizzawarmer.ca/
    Would you print something like this? I think it's funny, but I don't think I would do this. 
  11. Thanks
    Kane99 got a reaction from Knight Plug in Will Silent Hill 1 and or 3 get a remake next?   
    With the success of the Silent Hill 2 remake, it made me wonder if we'll end up seeing a Silent Hill 1 and 3 remake next? I think Konami will definitely work on some remakes going forward, and the Silent Hill series is likely to be picked over. I bet we'll end up seeing a remake of 3 before 1 and maybe even a remake of 4 at some point. Do you think the full series will get a remake? I know there are other Silent Hill games coming, but those are completely new games. 
    Do you think we'll get remakes of some of the other Silent Hill games? Do you think we'll see remakes of Downpour or Homecoming? Maybe Shattered Memories? 
  12. Like
    Kane99 got a reaction from killamch89 in Analogue 3D - 4K Nintendo 64 coming next year   
    The Analogue 3D is an upcoming 4K Nintendo 64, that can play the whole N64 catalog of games. This console works on the carts, so you can play the games you already know. The Analogue team is known for producing modern takes on retro consoles. They did it for the Gameboy with their Analogue Pocket handheld consoles. 
    It was supposed to come out this year, but the date for release was pushed back into 2025. But since the delay, they have released images of the console, and it looks pretty decent. It has 4 controller slots like the N64 did. Pre-orders for the console open up on the 21st though, so you can pre-orders this as soon as next week, and you can do so here: https://store.analogue.co/products/analogue-3d-black
    It will cost you $249.99. A pretty heft price I'd say, but I think if you're an N64 fan, you might be interested in something like this. 
    Learn more about the console here: https://www.digitaltrends.com/gaming/analogue-3d-nintendo-64-emulation-announcement/
  13. Like
    Kane99 got a reaction from killamch89 in Nikoderiko: The Magical World   
    Nikoderiko: The Magical World is a new platformer inspired by games like Donkey Kong Country and Crash Bandicoot. It was developed by It's definitely got the art style to match something like Rayman as well. It released last week for the PS5, Xbox Series X|S and the Swithc. A PC port is coming soon. 
  14. Like
    Kane99 got a reaction from CharlesK in Would you want a video game to memorialize you in game after your death?   
    I always find it beautiful when a popular video game pays respects to a deceased fan of theirs, by inserting them in the game or inserting a note or an Easter egg referencing them. I think they did something for a World of Warcraft player who had passed away. They have a memorial for him in a certain area in the world. And I think there's been cases of other games paying respects to people who had passed on. 
    Would you like to be memorialized in a video game like that? I'd be dead so I honestly wouldn't care, but I still think it's cool, because then that persons children or family can see that this person meant something to a lot of people. Or maybe just a few, but I still feel it's special for friends and family. What do you think? Would you want a memorial in your favorite video game after you died? 
  15. Like
    Kane99 got a reaction from killamch89 in SEGA is making new games of popular franchises, why can't other studios follow?   
    I'm looking at you Microsoft and Rare.  As you may have heard already, SEGA announced a ton of their popular franchises coming back with brand new games. The trailer referenced Golden Axe, Crazy Taxi, Jet Set Radio and more. When I saw the trailer, it made me think of other studios who have properties that haven't had a game in years. Much like Golden Axe, Crazy Taxi and Jet Set Radio haven't had a sequel or new game in years. 
    Rare is one studio I wish would tap into some of their older franchises and make new games. I mean Conker is an easy pick right from the get-go, because we've haven't had a true successor to Conker and at this point I don't think it'll ever happen. But it's not just Rare and Microsoft, well Microsoft has a lot of games they could pull from, but we'd probably be here all day discussing those games. 
    I would have said SEGA otherwise, but since they are actively working on games that isn't just Sonic, I am going to give them a break. :D 
    What are some companies that are in dire need of pulling from past franchises? I wouldn't mind a new Jak and Daxter game from Naughty Dog, that'd be nice. But I don't think they are in dire need of bringing said franchise back. 
  16. Like
    Kane99 got a reaction from killamch89 in Take advantage of those free weekend trials for games?   
    This isn't about game trials where you can download a game for a certain amount of time to test it out. This is more geared towards those weekend trials where you can download the full game, and play it unimpeded for the whole weekend. I know Xbox does it a lot, where they'll say you can play Call of Duty for the weekend. You can still earn achievements like when you own the game, but only for that specific weekend. Unless of course you decide to purchase the game. 
    I've yet to try a weekend trial for a game, but I was close a few times. Do you ever take advantage of these free gaming weekends? I kind of wish they did it more often so we can get more time with games before actually making the purchase for a new game. 
  17. Like
    Kane99 got a reaction from killamch89 in New copies of Rule of Rose (PS2) found in Italy, causing prices to drop for UK version   
    If you're on the lookout for a copy of Rule of Rose, at least the UK release, you may be in luck. A shipment of UK releases were found, and are being sold currently. On eBay the game was going for around $600 or so, but since the find, the prices have dropped down by half. Sadly, since a lot of people are buying up these new copies, it's likely the price will go up again, and possibly by more. But this is good news, as it means there could be warehouses with old stock sitting around collecting dust. Makes me wonder how many classic games are still sitting in a box within a warehouse all these years. 
    I know Rule of Rose is a somewhat popular game. I have wanted to add it to my collection for years, but even with these new copies found, I don't think I'd be willing to pay $300 or so for it. 
    Read more about this news here - https://www.thegamer.com/rule-of-rose-banned-halves-price-sealed-shipment/
  18. Like
    Kane99 got a reaction from Knight Plug in PS2 Honored As First Gaming Console In Japan’s National Science Museum   
    This is cool news, the PS2 is the first gaming console in Japan's National Science Museum. Japan ended up adding it to the Future Technology Heritage list. This list includes the likes of 400 items that all have been a major part in how far we've come in tech. It also mentions it's about cultural shifts and technical leaps with the tech on the list. This article - https://tech4gamers.com/ps2-first-gaming-console-japan-science-museum/ mentions that the list has stuff like the Sony Walkman, and the first DVD player. So stuff that really were important in how tech advanced I guess. 
    You can view this years list here via this PDF - https://www.kahaku.go.jp/procedure/press/pdf/1441766.pdf, though it's in Japanese, they do show pictures of the items added. I wish I could tell exactly what the other items are. I see a watch, a couple sewing machines, piano keyboards, and weird and big machines I couldn't identify. 
    Either way, I think it's pretty cool. I could see consoles like the Wii, Xbox's Kinect (even though it was kind of a failure), VR, and the Switch making this list if they haven't already. 
  19. Sad
    Kane99 got a reaction from Knight Plug in Resident Evil Zero & Code Veronica Remake Will Reportedly Not Be As “Ambitious” As RE4 Remake   
    I guess there is a Resident Evil Zero & Code Veronica remake coming, but it's being said to not be as ambitious as the RE4 remake was. But then again, I don't think that's a bad thing. Look at the Resident Evil 2 and 3 remakes. I don't think either game delves too far from the original version. Just makes it play like a modern game. But with the RE4 remake, I feel like even with the original RE4 that it was unique in gameplay compared to the older games, which suffered from the tank controls. 
    I can see RE Zero and Code Veronica getting the same remake treatment as RE2 and RE3. It doesn't need to be as good as RE4, because it's replicating an already advanced game, at least for the time. 
    Idk, what do you guys think? Will this game be as good as the other mainline remakes? 
    You can read more about this story here: https://twistedvoxel.com/resident-evil-zero-code-veronica-remake-not-as-ambitious-as-re4-remake/
  20. Like
    Kane99 got a reaction from Knight Plug in New copies of Rule of Rose (PS2) found in Italy, causing prices to drop for UK version   
    If you're on the lookout for a copy of Rule of Rose, at least the UK release, you may be in luck. A shipment of UK releases were found, and are being sold currently. On eBay the game was going for around $600 or so, but since the find, the prices have dropped down by half. Sadly, since a lot of people are buying up these new copies, it's likely the price will go up again, and possibly by more. But this is good news, as it means there could be warehouses with old stock sitting around collecting dust. Makes me wonder how many classic games are still sitting in a box within a warehouse all these years. 
    I know Rule of Rose is a somewhat popular game. I have wanted to add it to my collection for years, but even with these new copies found, I don't think I'd be willing to pay $300 or so for it. 
    Read more about this news here - https://www.thegamer.com/rule-of-rose-banned-halves-price-sealed-shipment/
  21. Sad
    Kane99 got a reaction from Knight Plug in Shinji Mikami Wants to Bring Back God Hand Over Any Other Franchise   
    The Resident Evil creator recently talked about how he wants to move on from survival horror for a bit, and maybe God Hand could be that move he wanted to make. It seems he is very keen on the idea of making a new God Hand game, and honestly I would welcome that move. Would you? 
    I can see why he wants to jump away from the survival horror genre. I feel it's played out and the market is already full up with hits. So maybe this is the direction that seems best for him. What do you think?
    Read more about this news here - https://wccftech.com/shinji-mikami-bring-back-god-hand/
  22. Like
    Kane99 got a reaction from killamch89 in What other big time fan made mods are there for games? (Similar to Fallout London)   
    With the recent release of Fallout: London, the big mod released for Fallout 4 that adds a completely new area (London) and a whole new story and cast of characters. And this is all made by fans of the game. But, are there other fan projects similar to this one, where someone has made a mod that is like a completely new game? I like when fans and gamers keep an old game alive, whether that means to add new story missions, quests, characters, locations, etc. Are there any fan communities that have put out massive mods like Fallout: London, but for other games? If so, what games are being kept alive like this by fans? 
  23. Like
    Kane99 got a reaction from killamch89 in Would you have wanted a true successor to the Dreamcast instead?   
    The Xbox still would have come out whether Sega released a new console or not. I feel they would have jumped in at some point. Anyway, I don't think Sega could compete at the time. They had two failed consoles in a row on their hand, and things weren't getting better. I doubt them shipping out a third console would have saved them. If anything it probably could have killed them outright. Three failures wouldn't look good. So I think it was right of Sega to move their work to publishing/developing games instead of making consoles. 
    If anything, I think they should have put more time into making handhelds. Their handhelds were popular and I am willing to bet if they shifted to a more mobile market, they could have at least stuck somewhat in the hardware market. And hey, they are kinda back with their classic consoles. So maybe that will interest them in making a new console one of these days. 
  24. Like
    Kane99 got a reaction from killamch89 in Fallout: London has officially dropped   
    For those who don't know, Fallout London is a mod for Fallout 4 that has been in the works for years I believe. The mod has officially dropped and is available for free on GOG currently. They seem to be planning a release for Steam and possibly Epic. But right now the focus seems to be on GOG and Steam. Anyway, a thing of note, if you do download the mod, you will have to downgrade Fallout 4 to an earlier since the recent next gen update the game had. As well, it sounds like you need to also own all the DLC or the Game of the year edition to take full advantage of this DLC. Either on GOG or Steam. 
    They released a trailer for it, and wow, is it ambitious. Check it out below. 
    And more on the game release here - https://fallout4london.com/release/
  25. Like
    Kane99 reacted to Shagger in Silent Hill Transmission stream coming May 30th   
    The best announcement we can hope for is Konami confirming they are selling the Silent Hill IP to Kojima Productions, or anybody else for that matter. 
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