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Reality vs Adventure

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Posts posted by Reality vs Adventure

  1. A good company has a profit sharing program. That is something to look for while applying to that job. If people aren't flocking to that company for a job, then the company benefits package will change accordingly. We the people have all the power. Unfortunately, companies hire interns for cheaper pay and promise of a permanent job for people that want experience so they accept lower benefits/wage in companies. Any bill that gives companies a tax break should include profit sharing to its employees, but a good company would do it regardless. The capitalistic system is infected as a whole and any program to help decrease the gap between rich and poor is called socialism by the corporate elite who lobby the government for their backwards interest all in the name of 'trickle down' economics which is a pyramid scheme. 

  2. You can't force people to do things they don't want to do or it backfires. They should be rewarded with studying. You should show interest in their studies too and help motivate them. Make index cards to test them on subject matter, but make it fun; never a burden! Use positive reinforcement by rewarding with take out food, new video game, clothes, or small allowance. Show them that when you work for something you get rewarded. Bring them out of the room and to the dinner table with the index cards. I don't think disciplining really works. Rewarding has a stronger affect. 

  3. The only things I can think of that may be issues are weight gain if you aren't active or don't play active games; decreased social life (that may have already been a factor and gaming is the effect); decreased Vit D levels; strange sleeping pattern if you stay up all night gaming. These aren't necessarily restricted to gaming because the same issues can come from watching tv or surfing the internet; or any indoor profession behind a computer. 

  4. 46 minutes ago, killamch89 said:

    To be honest, Assassin's Creed games aren't going to really get any more innovative unless they come up with something very radical - I just can't quite think of what it is as yet.

    I think if they made an incredible story and side quests that would hint you in which direction to go first, it would be a masterpiece. I'm pretty happy with Origins and Odyssey. But if they had a really good story with great cut scenes and dialog then AC would be unbeatable. Add Witcher 3 quests into AC and wham bam, thank you mam. 

  5. 30 minutes ago, killamch89 said:

    Three days?! As in you paused and resumed or you just downloaded it without interruption for 3 days straight?

    Yep, I left it in sleep mode and kept checking throughout the day for 3 days for the update and around 2 days for the game download. It even shows on the download time it say 99+ hours to download, but took almost a week for the game install then update install after. My RDR2 also malfunctioned twice. It said I had to reinstall because of corruption after playing the game for many hours. And the reinstall took the same time. But the second time it said corrupted I deleted the app and not gonna install it again. So I don't play it anymore. I have a second ps4 I keep as a backup. And when I installed RDR2 on that one it took the same amount of time. The storage transfer wouldn't work between the two ps4's because my internet was too slow I guess. So that's why I installed it manually on the second ps4. I haven't tried playing it on the second ps4. 

  6. You know why they can't win lawsuits against games for causing violence? It's because it's not integrated in schools. At least I never heard of any win against games in court. Simulation games could be good in schools, but it's not really new. I remember playing math computer games on apple computer in school. But as soon as that simulation game has one motion of violence, there could be the first win against gaming. You would think everything is approved by the board on what media they show kids. But I have read many news stories where assignments are deliberately racist. How does such things get approved? So don't you think in a time like this where kids are at home during a pandemic that an idiot teacher won't assign an unapproved violent game to their kids if games were integrated in education? Even if the teacher was held responsible if a child committed an act of violence, just seems it opens the door even more to blame video games. 

  7. On 12/8/2020 at 2:51 AM, m76 said:

    It does get better later. My bleak view of it initially has been turned around.

    Here's my review.

    Those pictures look real! Sucks it doesn't have much ship battles, but I've read the map is a little larger than Odyssey and without the open waters which leaves lots of exploration. Did you feel there was a lot of ground to cover? To me all that exploration seems it would be fun and many sights to see. I guess they decreased the gear availability and switching out, which I loved in Odyssey. Interesting about the side stories. Do you feel the stories were an improvement from Odyssey?  

  8. On 11/22/2020 at 6:11 PM, The Blackangel said:

    RDR2 royally pissed me off tonight. Outside St Denis there was a man who needed help. He was at deaths door, and needed someone to get him to the doctor. I picked him up and raced to town. While I was on my way, some asshole rode right in front of me which sent both me and him flying off my horse. The crash killed him and I got a fucking murder charge. I had to race like hell because every cop, bounty hunter, and asshole with a gun was on my ass. That’s fucking bullshit. In trying to help someone, they die due to something that was none of my fault, and I’m charged with a crime as a result.

    That’s the last god damn time I try to help someone.

    When I first started playing RDR2 I was in a town and couldn't stop my horse and ran a guy over. The law went after me and next thing I know I'm killing the whole town. Oops. They ended up killing me anyways. All I wanted was a stroll through the town. 

  9. 4 minutes ago, StaceyPowers said:

    Not sure that would happen? I mean, teachers showed us movies all the time, and it didn't lead to the education department interfering with the film industry. Just some movies were approved by the school and others weren't. Could be same with games. Some curriculum is set in stone, but for other aspects, teachers often can do what they want so long as the school approves it.

    With the threat of fascism around the world, be very mindful of the consequences of allowing the education department dictate what movies or games that they expose to kids. The world has changed. This isn't the world fresh off the fight from WW2 anymore. 

  10. I also have a collection of garbage pail kids. Remember those? I used to walk home from school, stop at ice cream truck, and get a pack of garbage pail kids and pink panther bubble gum ice cream. I had a long walk home. I then stopped at 711 and got a slurpie. After that I crossed the desert to get home. No lie. This was Vegas in the 80's. My GPK includes Trumpocracy and Trumpocracy Disgrace to the White House from 2016-2020. Awesome stuff. I'll post some pics of it. 

  11. Well, you mentioned Assassins Creed for a very good reason. That game needs to be respected as an open world game at its finest. And Odyssey is my favorite game by far simply for exploration. I don't even care about the story for that game. If the story was amazing, that game would be a masterpiece and completely unbeatable. You know a lot about 80's games which makes me think you are older. Those games I miss because it always constantly progresses in a story. You reach another level in another environment.

    Progression is the key I think you miss. I love it too when a game progresses smoothly. God of War and Uncharted are just two good ones in a quick thought.

  12. NO; that is begging for government intervention. If the education department utilizes a video game, the government helps education, and fatty slabs the video game department. "Hi, How are you." Next thing you know government is using video games for their purposes. And we come back to a post asking if video games cause violence. In government hands... Yes it does

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