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Posts posted by StaceyPowers

  1. Does anyone else here have dissociative mental health issues? If so, does gaming help you?

    I realized the other day that I start dissociating almost immediately whenever I try to do something I want. Imagining doing something often feels more real than doing it. But since game worlds are sort of in-between, I can interact with them without dissociating, so they feel real and easy to connect with. Anyone else observe this?


  2. 16 hours ago, Crazycrab said:


    On that note I have to disagree, actors (especially voice actors) play characters of different genders and/or sexualities all the time.  it's not an issue when a straight actor played a gay character so I why this should be any different.  The craft is literally all about pretending to be someone your not. I'm all for representation but that doesn't mean creators should feel pressured cast to cast roles in this way.

    I don't think that's the issue so much as that certain demographics of actors may have been deliberately overlooked for parts in the past in favour of casting actors who may have been more acceptable to the normative culture. I think it's more about just not doing that anymore. 

    Plus, I do think LGBTQAI+ actors sometimes may like taking parts that help them share their stories with the world and reach out to others in the community who may be looking for inspiration or visibility.

    I certainly don't complain about the talented Jennifer Hale being cast as Krem in DAI--so far as I know, a cis woman playing a trans man. But I was thrilled to see Ian Alexander cast as Lev in TLOU II.

  3. Do you ever find yourself getting bored with violence in video games?

    In general, I would say I don’t, because I find violent video games a lot of fun. Shooters are among my favorite video game formats, and I don’t see that ever changing.

    But when I played A Plague Tale: Innocence, I realized how refreshing it was to play in a largely non-violent way, just because it provided a different perspective (i.e. seeing the world through the eyes of two largely vulnerable children) and different gameplay.

    What are your thoughts?

  4. On 6/10/2022 at 1:03 AM, NightmareFarm said:

    I prefer to watch movies and play games at night. To the point where I try to refrain from playing narrative focused games in the daytime. It's much more atmospheric at night and some games which are set in dark locations or dark tonally I will completely refuse to play in the daytime.

    This, yes, 100%! Especially BioShock or TLOU. It is a crime to play these during the day hahah.

  5. *********SPOILERS BELOW for BioShock Infinite: Burial at Sea**************






    How was there still a Comstock existing in BioShock Infinite: Burial at Sea? Everyone says, “He escaped deletion because he was in Rapture,” but this makes zero sense to me. If he was at the baptism, he got deleted at the baptism. I conclude that he was not at the baptism, and became Comstock via other events.

  6. *********SPOILERS BELOW for BioShock Infinite: Burial at Sea**************






    In BioShock Infinite: Burial at Sea, did you think the final Comstock had it coming? I get that he ran away from being accountable, which was a very Comstock thing to do. But he did coincidentally still have to learn to live with guilt over losing a child, he’d given up on the whole “drowning in flame the mountains of man” ambition, and he clearly cared about Sally. I don’t think he deserved to die.










    For a long time, I assumed Booker’s office which shows up in situations where he almost dies was a figurative location in his mind where his jumbled memories tried to sort themselves. But owing to its grainy, black and white look and the theory of quantum immortality, I am wondering if it is more like a tear.

    If so, I think every time Booker “almost dies,” perhaps he does die in one world, and we are following a universe where he didn’t.

    I always get confused about the “broken” people along the way who remember dying in a neighboring universe. Why do they remember this at all? Did the consciousness of the versions that died somehow get pulled through the tears and merged with that of the consciousness of the versions that lived?
    Does this also happen to Booker during the game if he dies?

    In which case, my next question is whether this means that somehow in the after credits scene, we are seeing the older Booker we know transposed/superpositioned over a younger Booker who never went to the baptism? Did “our” Booker escape erasure after all?


  8. On 5/19/2022 at 10:51 AM, Justin11 said:

    Yes bro, everyone got their reasons, I am a full-time crypto trader, but I wouldn't come here to discuss about crypto and NFTs because the forum isn't about them. 

    You trade cryptocurrencies for a living?

    And I would say this forum isn't about crypto and NFTs, but sometimes there are some overlaps with gaming, like the MetaRace game in this thread.

    On 5/29/2022 at 6:53 PM, killamch89 said:

    This is quite an interesting project - there's nothing quite like raising an animal in-game and winning a race with it. I think it has to do with the amount of effort that you put into raising it well.

    I share a lot of peoples' environmental concerns regarding NFTs and crypto, though I know that ETH, for example, should soon be much more eco-friendly. Regardless, I think MetaRace sounds like a lot of fun! Do you think you will give it a try?

    On 5/19/2022 at 1:54 AM, Boblee said:

    You see that human choice how it can be very ironical. Some people are wishing for the dead of NFTs and your wishing them longevity. Where does that leave us? 

    I think much of NFTs and crypto as they stand now have some serious problems, but I also think the technology is evolving rapidly, and soon will be more eco-friendly. There are also a lot of potential practical applications for NFTs. 

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