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  1. Like
    Boblee got a reaction from Heatman in Are video games becoming too casual/easy?   
    Exactly, and it still doesn't categorize all games to be too hard or difficult as well. It's a split between the two levels. 
  2. Haha
    Boblee got a reaction from Heatman in Are there any video games you play during the holidays?   
    Dead Rising 4 is one good game to play during the Christmas because of the character set up as Santa 🎅 in it while shooting in the hoard of undead. 
  3. Haha
    Boblee reacted to killamch89 in Speedruns   
    I've watched some Alien isolation speedruns myself to get ideas of how to finish the game faster but whenever I try them myself, I always die instantly.
  4. Haha
    Boblee reacted to Oblivion Knight in Speedrunners that glitch the game instead   
    Funnily enough, such a glitch/skip came up in my recommended YouTube videos recently..
    This is for Final Fantasy VII, and if you're at all familiar with the game it skips around 20 minutes of one of the most boring segments.
  5. Like
    Boblee reacted to Kane99 in Think real gambling will come to gaming soon?   
    Exactly, there's literally no worth to it. Unless maybe with games like Counter-Strike where you can buy/sell skins/weapons. etc. But most games don't have a system where you can resell your items, so they are technically useless. 
    I mean more in regards to actual gambling games being released on consoles and PC. Not as a mechanic in an video game, but the whole idea of the game. So think of a slots game, but instead of being on mobile, it released on major hardware instead.
    And that is a good point. The ESRB rating would probably be adult rated for games that are just about gambling. I can see some publishers not selling games like that if that is the case too. 
  6. Like
    Boblee reacted to Oblivion Knight in How to choose a gaming chair?   
    I picked up mine from Amazon last year, unbranded and pretty cheap..
    It isn't the comfiest of things that I've ever sat on, but nor is it the uncomfiest and for the money it does the job.
    Might be worth holding off on this particular one though, I paid just over £95.
  7. Confused
    Boblee reacted to Justin11 in Games or types of games you’ve abandoned and want to get back to   
    It's been a while I played the final fantasy the seventh edition, DMC, God of war 1 and 2, PES 2010 and winning eleven soccer 1999. I might have fun playing again this December. 
  8. Like
    Boblee reacted to Kane99 in Are devs getting too lazy with remasters?   
    I agree that they've kinda run out of ideas at this point. But, I disagree that they fit into the subject of this topic. They made remakes, and from what I saw & heard, they worked and played quite well. Honestly I'd say the RE remakes are some of the best remakes we've received so far. Fans seemed very happy with them so far. 
    And let's face it, a new audience isn't going to take a chance on the older RE games, so the remakes were another way to tell these stories to a new generation of people. With a remaster, all that does is put a new coat of paint on it with some changes. I think they made the right choice in remaking the games instead to be more accessible to a larger audience. 
  9. Like
    Boblee reacted to Rain Dew in I finally conceded, and have giving up on Resident Evil...   
    I love the resident evil games. Started with the remastered ones. Have them on both consoles (ps4,Xbox One). I just  wish Village was in 3rd person. I can’t play 1st person games. Im hoping in the future they continue to make them in 3rd person. 
  10. Like
    Boblee got a reaction from Heatman in Are devs getting too lazy with remasters?   
    Welcome to what Capcom have been doing with the Resident Evil Remakes. They have most certainly run out of ideas on what to do. 
  11. Haha
    Boblee reacted to The Blackangel in Speedruns   
    I think it's more of a "my dick is bigger than yours" kind of thing. People who consider themselves "professional" gamers are always looking for a new way to put themselves above the rest. So if they can play Zelda without collecting a single rupee, or get through Mario in 10 minutes or less, or some other bullshit then they are better than the next guy. And yes I watched a video on YouTube of a guy playing Zelda OoT and beating it without collecting a single rupee. It was interesting to say the least.
  12. Like
    Boblee got a reaction from Knight Plug in I finally conceded, and have giving up on Resident Evil...   
    I know that right mate. It's even why I started to fancy laser guns recently in some of the shooting games that I play. 
  13. Thanks
    Boblee reacted to Heatman in Give up gaming for cash . . .   
    I don't believe that money does have anything to do with being good or bad but the humans that decide to use it for a good or bad thing. 
  14. Haha
    Boblee reacted to Syntax in Is difficulty in games ever an accessibility issue? If so, when?   
    I think it might be when it’s legit impossible to complete a task unless you have the highest actual skill level (which even then is still rare - think of guitar hero 3’s legendary song and how to this day not that many people can even get through it fully without the crowd booing and stopping it). 
  15. Like
    Boblee reacted to m76 in Open worlds with the most cities   
    I think Ghost Recon Wildlands has the most expansive open world with several towns and cities. According to its wiki it has 67 settlements.
  16. Haha
    Boblee got a reaction from Justin11 in 100,000 Posts – Thank You, Loyal VGR Members!   
    Posting more would always be a good thing for the forum because it means a lot to traffic and activities for the forum. Keep posting more mate. 
  17. Like
    Boblee got a reaction from Heatman in Best 2021 Games?   
    That's something I would have done for him but thanks for doing it for me. Let me add the trailer to it too. 
  18. Like
    Boblee got a reaction from Heatman in Your favourite game series?   
    There is actually a uniqueness that comes with the original Gran Turismo video game and that's why I believe that a lot of people are into the racing game till today.
  19. Like
    Boblee got a reaction from onii chan in How did you end up playing the main platform that you do?   
    That's absolutely the same it is with me and Playstation consoles. I have gotten so used to it that leaving would seem abnormal. 
  20. Like
    Boblee reacted to Heatman in Games or types of games you’ve abandoned and want to get back to   
    It's called manipulation and I believe that it's something that's very possible in real life football. Yes, there are consequences for doing that, otherwise it would ruin the game. 
  21. Like
    Boblee reacted to Heatman in Best 2021 Games?   
    This is all you need to know about the game Elden Ring. I don't think it's out yet. 
  22. Like
    Boblee reacted to onii chan in How did you end up playing the main platform that you do?   
    i was thinking of getting a pc eventually but i dont think ill ever completely leave playstation, ill just keep around for when i wanna chill on the tv and play with friends and family when they come over 
  23. Like
    Boblee reacted to Knight Plug in I finally conceded, and have giving up on Resident Evil...   
    It's in RE4 and one of the Chronicles games. :) 
  24. Thanks
    Boblee got a reaction from Knight Plug in I finally conceded, and have giving up on Resident Evil...   
    Ahhh, the laser corridor!!! That's an interesting piece of tech that I really love how it slices. It's one of the most lethal weapon/trap in the game. 
  25. Like
    Boblee got a reaction from Family sedan in Do you prefer games where health, etc. regenerates, or not?   
    If they are make available without your working for it, it's definitely going to be something you wouldn't appreciate. 
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