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    Boblee got a reaction from Heatman in Games you liked growing up, that were considered bad games.   
    Jackie Chan The Stuntmaster his game that I played on PlayStation 1. It's so fun for me then playing with my friends especially classmates. 
  2. Haha
    Boblee got a reaction from Heatman in Please Consider Disabling Your Ad Blocker to Support VGR   
    Yeah - I have been on some forum where a donation ticket was opened for members to support the forum to donate points and I was like what for? There are some understandable and reasonable things to ask for and not awkward assistance. 
  3. Sad
    Boblee reacted to Justin11 in How did you end up playing the main platform that you do?   
    Yes, I wouldn't offer that too, cos I love my console to be around me. I wouldn't give out because the addiction might make my friend not to return my console for me. 
  4. Confused
    Boblee reacted to Justin11 in How often have you had to send a gaming item in for repair?   
    I didn't damage it intentionally, the thunder storm damaged it for me. During when heavy rain was falling, i failed to remove the wire of the console from the wall socket, it damaged the console's reboot button. 
  5. Like
    Boblee reacted to Heatman in What games do you wish you could play, but can’t on your platform?   
    It seems to be available to run on steam in the past but it was later removed for some reasons I'm not aware of. 
    You can read more of it on Nvidia site. 
  6. Like
    Boblee reacted to Shagger in GTA 6 Release Date ???   
    I feel like the conversation in this thread is going round in circles. All that we are doing is acknowledging that GTA6 is years away, Rockstar is still milking GTA5 for all it's worth then go back to that being why GTA6 is years away because of the milking. I'm sorry, but this is getting close to locking because the initial query has long since been answered. So, unless you reading this post have something new to bring to the subject, just leave this be until we actually have something new to discuss on this. If people keeping posting on this just for posting sake this topic will end up locked.
  7. Haha
    Boblee reacted to killamch89 in Oldest console you own?   
    Currently, it's a Nintendo DS that I haven't even played once just sitting in one of my drawers.
  8. Like
    Boblee got a reaction from Family sedan in Oldest console you own?   
    Gran Turismo is a phenomenal car race game. What's your favorite GT series? For me, The original Gran Turismo happens to be my favorite. 
  9. Like
    Boblee got a reaction from Head_Hunter in Does anyone prefer gaming without followers/companions?   
    There are so many of them to choose from. I'm sure you must have played many of them but probably didn't understand it well. 
    Here are so many of them to pick from. Mass Effect Legendary Edition is by favorite. 
  10. Like
    Boblee reacted to Shagger in What games do you wish you could play, but can’t on your platform?   
    No, GeForce Now an entirely separate thing from Steam. You pay to subscribe to GeForce Now to gain access to a liberty of games that steam to your device, much like Netflix. Steam is a store front and game launch planform where you buy games then use Steam's software to gain access to Steams features and launch games from your own library of purchased games.
  11. Like
    Boblee got a reaction from Head_Hunter in What is the most games you ever played in a year?   
    You're very welcome my friend. I was ac taught how to do it by my friend too, so passing on the knowledge was definitely fulfilling for me to do so. 
  12. Like
    Boblee got a reaction from StaceyPowers in Please Consider Disabling Your Ad Blocker to Support VGR   
    If I'm being very honest, I really hate ads most of the time because it tend to interrupt what I'm doing but I'm going to have an exception for VGR because the owner poured out his heart with asking us nicely. Mine is off as we speak. 
  13. Like
    Boblee reacted to Head_Hunter in What is the most games you ever played in a year?   
    Thanks alot I've taken my time, to watch what you just posted here in the video. I've learned how to keep track of the games statistics too with the brief video explanation. 
  14. Like
    Boblee reacted to killamch89 in Most traumatic moments in video games?   
    Yep and governments still carry out this practice arming known terrorists to do their dirty work.
  15. Like
    Boblee reacted to killamch89 in [Sponsored] Find Your Toxicity-Free Teammates on Epal.gg!   
    I agree - they had poor legal advice because no sensible entity would've advised them to proceed.
  16. Like
    Boblee reacted to killamch89 in Do you find it hard to start playing a new game for the first time?   
    Very good analogy - you really have to savor the experience.
  17. Haha
    Boblee reacted to Heatman in Did a reviewer ever change how you perceived a game?   
    It's the only way that you can ensure that you don't get offered pork leg for a cow leg in getting a game you want to play. 
  18. Like
    Boblee reacted to killamch89 in Did gaming help prepare you for your career?   
    Unless the companies are personally profiting from this financially - I don't think so at all.
  19. Like
    Boblee reacted to skyfire in Streaming?   
    Each year pay from the affiliates continues to go down. 
  20. Haha
    Boblee reacted to Heatman in Does anyone prefer gaming without followers/companions?   
    Imagine having to drag my follower like that all the way through the game... It's going to be exhausting. 
  21. Like
    Boblee got a reaction from Heatman in Your favourite game series?   
    Yeah - it's a 3 main series video game with the Bioshock Infinite the closing chapter of it. You can read up on the game with the link below. 
  22. Like
    Boblee got a reaction from Heatman in Games or types of games you’ve abandoned and want to get back to   
    I'm getting back to playing my Bioshock 2 today hopefully once I complete playing Bioshock Infinite. I have stayed away from playing B2 for a while now, I need to explore it once more. 
  23. Like
    Boblee got a reaction from Heatman in Video game trailers   
    It's one hell of the a fight session from Ezio in Assassin's Creed Revelations. That's some of his fight scenes in the game that are very captivating. 
  24. Haha
    Boblee got a reaction from Heatman in How much would someone have to pay you to do crunch time on games?   
    Even kids these days do not say no to money. I have seen some videos on social media where pets seem to know what money is and hold on to it hard. 
  25. Haha
    Boblee got a reaction from Heatman in Streaming?   
    I have had that experience on more than one occasion which made it very hard for me to purchase from Amazon. It's only on rare occasion when I couldn't get what I'm looking for on other shopping store that I take my neck to Amazon to cut it off. 
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