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  1. Like
    Boblee got a reaction from StaceyPowers in Please Consider Disabling Your Ad Blocker to Support VGR   
    If I'm being very honest, I really hate ads most of the time because it tend to interrupt what I'm doing but I'm going to have an exception for VGR because the owner poured out his heart with asking us nicely. Mine is off as we speak. 
  2. Like
    Boblee reacted to killamch89 in Are video gamers (sometimes) narcissistic?   
    This has been going on for years and those are the people I purposely target in-game just so that they'll rage quit and leave with their toxicity.
  3. Like
    Boblee reacted to Oblivion Knight in Assasins creed   
    I've finished both Assassin's Creed and Assassin's Creed II, and unusually the sequel was far superior to the original.
    I did start playing Assassin's Creed Brotherhood quite recently, but got a bit bored with it and haven't picked it up for a while. I should probably try to before I forget the progress I've made and feel compelled to start again.. 😅 It happens quite frequently, hence my backlog.
    Metal Gear Solid is my favourite, personally.
  4. Like
    Boblee got a reaction from Oblivion Knight in How did you end up playing the main platform that you do?   
    That's quite a journey for you moving all over to still end up back on Playstation. Xbox is good but it's not what I'd get into, it's only PC I can upgrade from PS to. 
  5. Haha
    Boblee reacted to Heatman in Give up gaming for cash . . .   
    Just like this Sunday morning, I crave smashed potatoes and sauce, if I don't have the money to get it fixed up or order in, would I get the food served up for me by playing games from now till mid day? 
  6. Like
    Boblee reacted to Heatman in What could be done to improve open world gaming?   
    Ghost of Tsushima Legends promised to eliminate all kinds of microtransactions in it. If they succeed in doing that, it's definitely going to one bold step towards solving the problem of microtransactions in games. 
  7. Like
    Boblee reacted to Heatman in What games do you wish you could play, but can’t on your platform?   
    It's definitely going to be this game called Returnal which is a PS5 exclusive game. I can't wait to play it on my PS4. 
  8. Like
    Boblee got a reaction from Heatman in Last Game Played   
    What kind of game is Top Eleven Football Manger? Is it like FM (Football Manger? If it's available on PC, I might be interested in it because I love football manager games. 
  9. Like
    Boblee reacted to Justin11 in How Big Is Your Backlog?   
    Yes, it will always make us spend on priority needs base on necessity and not just over spending on needs that doesn't warrant it. 
  10. Like
    Boblee reacted to Oblivion Knight in Streaming?   
    I bought the equipment (Elgato HD60 S) to have a go earlier this year.. I thought it could potentially be a neat way of getting organic traffic to my website, but I haven't really had the time to properly invest in playing the kind of games that I'd want to stream.
    Maybe one day..
  11. Like
    Boblee reacted to Withywarlock in Are you concerned with logic in mods?   
    I said I'd get back to you, and while I've only played with them for about ~4 hours, just having companions has made a world of difference. I feel a lot more motivated to explore and complete content now I've got someone to watch my back, which will also be useful with the higher difficulty, as I tend to play as low as possible in Bethesda games. I've also tried an 'Enhanced Economy' mod, which makes trade and money making more realistic (or so it claims) but didn't quite enjoy it all that much. I might do as the game goes on and I have too much money. I'll look into housing mods soon too.
    I have faced the problem of mods causing the game to crash on startup though, so I'll need to look into which one(s) are causing the problem, and then see how many I can safely play with. But if I had to just settle for companion mods, I can live with that. It's nice to see one of my all-time favourite games with a fresh spin on it.
  12. Like
    Boblee got a reaction from Justin11 in Favorite and Least Favorite Board Game   
    If you have Playstation 4, you can easily check out this Chess game. You are going to love it. 
  13. Like
    Boblee reacted to AndreiMirfi in Finally, I can take part here   
    Hey, Boblee! Welcome to our place! 😄
  14. Like
    Boblee reacted to Shagger in What games do you wish you could play, but can’t on your platform?   
    The game is currently out. The launch back on December 10nth was a disaster. It was buggy on PC and almost unplayable on the PS4 and Xbox One. Bad enough it was removed from console digital stores. After months of patches, the game was put back on sale on the PS Store. In short, the game is available on both PC and console now.
  15. Like
    Boblee reacted to Heatman in Best 2021 Games?   
    It's getting released this year November 5th. Most Call of Duty fans are really looking up to the game release. 
  16. Like
    Boblee reacted to Heatman in Pro Controllers   
    It's currently out of stock on Amazon but it's sold for $54.90 when they had it in stock last. 
  17. Like
    Boblee got a reaction from Heatman in How do you choose names for your characters in RPGs?   
    In most cases, I do not really attach much sentiment to the names of my characters. I simply name them anything that pops up in my head at the moment. It's not a big deal. 
  18. Like
    Boblee got a reaction from Heatman in GTA 6 Release Date ???   
    Rockstar is not yet done with making thousands of dollars from GTA 5. So, as for GTA 6, it's never coming out anytime sooner until the company says otherwise. 
  19. Haha
    Boblee got a reaction from Heatman in How much would someone have to pay you to do crunch time on games?   
    Money is the only good language that I understand perfectly. So, if I'm to do a crunch time on a game, it wouldn't be a bad thing if I'm offered $1000 😇. 
  20. Like
    Boblee got a reaction from Heatman in PC game to play in free time at work?   
    Must it be on PC? In my opinion, it's going to be challenging playing on PC while at work as it might have you exposed for querry. It's better to play on your smartphone. 
  21. Haha
    Boblee reacted to killamch89 in Finally, I can take part here   
    Welcome Bob the builder!
  22. Like
    Boblee got a reaction from DC in Finally, I can take part here   
    Hello everyone, I'm Boblee but you can call me Bob. 
    I'm happy to be in the community of gamers and looking forward to making new friends and learn how to improve my gaming life. 
  23. Like
    Boblee reacted to Shagger in Finally, I can take part here   
    Very glad to have you, @Boblee. Welcome to the VGR forum.
  24. Like
    Boblee got a reaction from Shagger in Finally, I can take part here   
    Hello everyone, I'm Boblee but you can call me Bob. 
    I'm happy to be in the community of gamers and looking forward to making new friends and learn how to improve my gaming life. 
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