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  1. Like
    Justin11 got a reaction from Knight Plug in Horror Movies   
    That sounds pretty interesting , I saw the trailer of Annihilation sometime ago but I didn't really thought about seeing the movie.
    I would check it out and hopefully get to see it for myself too.
  2. Haha
    Justin11 got a reaction from RedRainStudio in A brand new indie mobile game, Dishtionary Survifood.   
    This game do remind of another mobile game i used to play back in the day, you performed the exact same function of buying, selling , farming and fishing but for an entirely different purpose.
    I would definitely check it out and see what it's like.
  3. Haha
    Justin11 got a reaction from Reality vs Adventure in Assassin's Creed 3 and Tyranny of King Washington DLC   
    I tried to understand what you are saying but I still can't decipher 😅
  4. Haha
    Justin11 reacted to Reality vs Adventure in Assassin's Creed 3 and Tyranny of King Washington DLC   
    Go back to where you came from. These fucks want to tell me? Time to scalp mother fuckers. Say it again. Go back to where you came from. You are standing on it. Tomahawk. Scalp em. Say it again? Go back to where you came from. Look up, look down, your pants are falling. Bendover bitch and I will scalp you. Look back, look front, look all around. An American is gonna scalp you. 
  5. Like
    Justin11 got a reaction from Empire Of Sight in Favourite PlayStation 2 games?   
    Vice city was also one of my favorites I would sit for a really long timr playing this game on my PS 2 console.
  6. Like
    Justin11 got a reaction from Akun in PlayStation exclusives being ported to PC   
    Sometimes you are really interested in a particular video game but wouldn't be able to play because maybe it was an exclusive at the time, it's a good thing that the PlayStation exclusive are now coming to pc.
  7. Like
    Justin11 got a reaction from Knight Plug in State Of Decay Series   
    Days Gone was an epic one and I played it till 70 Percent completion but for state of decay I really can't say much about it because I only played it a few times.
  8. Like
    Justin11 got a reaction from Knight Plug in General Gaming Discussion   
    The name of this game inspires something deep "the chant" and that would surely get someone curious as to knowing what it's going to be like, I watched the trailer and the graphics is good though the game Seems too bright for an horror game but there's nothing wrong in approaching horror from a different angle  we gamers arent used to and I like they were able to explore More day time since many horror scenes are usually set at night.
  9. Like
    Justin11 got a reaction from Digitaldave64 in What's your favorite skin in Fortnite?   
    Their is no doubt, Fortnite Royale game has intriguing skins which every of it's fan love's. 
    Take a look at the option of skin item(s) I love around Fortnite Battle Royale game. 

  10. Like
    Justin11 got a reaction from Knight Plug in Creed III   
    I have seen the trailer of Creed 3 and it's epic.
    Here's a glimpse
  11. Like
    Justin11 got a reaction from Reality vs Adventure in What makes the best warrior?   
    Warrior's career is attached with risk all over. Their is high possiblity of dieing if their is steady warfare in which the warrior is involved. Unless their is virtue of luck that makes such warrior to survive the series of wars faced. 
  12. Like
    Justin11 got a reaction from Akun in Best Video Game Opening   
    I think I have to reconsider my decision not to play Detroit: become human.
    I get a lot of good reviews about the game from friends and also in this community.
  13. Like
    Justin11 got a reaction from Akun in Top 5 favourite gaming rivalries?   
    Finally someone mentions this two I was already planning on mentioning but then I came across your comments.
    Even in the movie they were strong rivalries.
  14. Like
    Justin11 got a reaction from Akun in What has made you cry hardest in a video game?   
    This was a really emotional scene I was a bit heartbroken by the cruelty of man displayed in the game.
    He deserved to be shot or tortured for doing that to his own brother.
  15. Like
    Justin11 got a reaction from Family sedan in Dead Video Game Studios   
    Yeah I remember this game and i didn't hear much about 989 studios after this game or maybe I just didn't search about them more.
  16. Like
    Justin11 got a reaction from Akun in PlayStation is giving top Stars members ‘priority’ in customer support   
    That's true, it's not a bad idea to give priority to your customers but make it more transparent and give every equal treatment and attention whenever the need arises.
  17. Like
    Justin11 got a reaction from Akun in General Gaming Discussion   
    Thanks for the info.
    Have you used your modded switch to play any video game so far and which video games do you have on it.
  18. Like
    Justin11 reacted to Akun in General Gaming Discussion   
    Well, the good news is that the Committee of Zero patch is almost finished, about 98 or 99% done, and should be released by the end of November when they're done fixing up some last minute bugs (a result of the "unpatched version" that you want to play).
  19. Like
    Justin11 got a reaction from Akun in General Gaming Discussion   
    I knew the OLED would be a hard nut to crack , its  quite an expensive console and modding it only add to the expenses.
    I would go for the second hand Gen 1 or better still a new one and try modding it myself.
    I just want to have the satisfaction of modding a console myself and playing the unpatched version of chaos; head.
  20. Like
    Justin11 got a reaction from Akun in General Gaming Discussion   
    I so much wanted to know more about modifications but I still haven't been able to get my hands around it.
    I heard of the modded switch but it's not really available here as I thought and only a few had access to it, if it takes me a while to be able to Chaos; head Noah I am willing to wait.
    Hopefully it's available on my switch OLED version but I don't think it would be as good as the modified version.
  21. Like
    Justin11 got a reaction from Knight Plug in Do you track the movies you watch?   
    I heard of flixster but I never signed up on the site and I didn't even know it was meant for posting movie reviews.
  22. Haha
  23. Like
    Justin11 got a reaction from Knight Plug in Last movie watched?   
    - A Quiet Place - rating: 9/10. 
  24. Like
    Justin11 got a reaction from Lamarr the strelok in Most broken games ever released?   
    What did I just watch, the graphics of the game is really poor though I know it's almost 20 years since it was released but they could atleast better and you could just ride across or through buildings like there is nothing there.
  25. Like
    Justin11 reacted to killamch89 in new games coming   
    Well, there's a lesson learned. Wait on the reviews before you jump to buy a game - trust me, it saves you from a lot of disappointment.
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