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The Blackangel

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Posts posted by The Blackangel

  1. Shark fin soup. I know people who have tried it, and I’ve read reviews online, and everyone says the same thing. It has no flavor and almost no texture. Which makes me wonder what the hell is the point? You can’t taste it, and almost can’t feel it.

    I’ll stick with chicken noodle, thank you very much.

  2. I had a dig once that LOVED to play with skunks. I never figured out what the hell was wrong with the dumbass dig. While I’ve personally never been sprayed by one, I’ve smelled skunk enough that it honestly doesn’t bother me at all. I actually kinda like the smell.

    I guess it reminds me of simpler times.

  3. 10 hours ago, Shagger said:

    I was gonna say the same thing. Even by modern standards the Big Gordon's Sword is a pain in the ass.  Getting the Goats Wallet is a pain as well because of how cryptic some of the Gold Skulletas are.


  4. Let’s leave the water temple out of this one.

    What is/was the hardest task you ever did in OoT? Was it collecting the tunics from the free side? Getting Epona? Or was it sneaking past the guards to meet Zelda?

    For me, it was the final part of the trading game to get the Big Goron sword. Getting from Lake Hylia to the top of Death Mountain was a pain. Even with Epona. In the 4 minutes given to do it, you have to exit the goofy lake guy’s house, jump on Epona, race across Hyrule field, run through Kakariko village, get to the vertical climb, take the time to kill the tektites on each ledge, make it to the Goron on top of the mountain and speak to him to finish it all. When you get to the top, he’ll use the eyedrops you brought him, and get set to work fixing the broken blade you brought him.

    While we’re talking about difficult tasks, has anyone ever actually beaten the shooting games, or followed Dampe through his grave in less than a minute? I’ve been playing this game since it dropped, but I’ve never been able to do it.

  5. What game(s) have a boss in a part of the game that is immensely harder to beat than the final boss in your opinion? One of them for me is in Diablo II. Easily it’s Duriel. It’s harder than Mephisto, Diablo, and Baal. I’m not sure why, but that damn daemon is a bitch to beat. I never had a problem with any of the other bosses. Eventually I had to cheat my ass off, so I started creating armor and items that pretty much made me invincible just to beat the damn thing. It’s a good thing the expansion pack doubled the size of your stash. I put them on when I got to Duriel, and then just put them back in my stash after beating it.

    Has anyone else come across a boss that was harder that the final one?

  6. The only two that come to mind for me is AOE2 and Diablo II. When I got those, it was like my hand was glued to my mouse. There just wasn’t enough hours in the day to play them. @Rain Dew actually told me to get off the computer because I’d been playing for something like 16 hours once. I was obsessed. Luckily I was able to survive.😋

  7. We have all seen the remake of Link’s Awakening. But what other games would you see with updated graphics, ala Link’s awakening, but remain exactly the same game. I think it would be interesting to see Zelda II remade. I don’t know how they could go about doing it, but it would DEFINITELY be a trip. But that’s my first choice. Blaster Master would also be a mind blowing one.

  8. I would love have to seen more of Alf. Green blood, eats cats, and cynical as hell. I loved the show. I had the entire series on DVD, but one of our dogs got ahold of it, so I have to get a new copy. But since it ended in the 80’s, don’t want it getting revived. The attitude in Hollywood is completely different than it was in the 80’s, which means that all they would do is completely fuck it up.

  9. We all have to figure out what will be done with our bodies after we die. It’s a fact of life. I’ve always wanted a funeral pyre. Throw in a short wake if you want. A pyre is legal in Colorado (or it was) so I would want my body taken there. If that’s not an option when I die, then I just want to be cremated. I don’t want to be buried. Being as claustrophobic as I am, I just can’t stand the idea of being locked in a box, dropped in a hole, and have hundreds of pounds of dirt thrown on top of me. I could never rest if that’s what was done to me.

    Stack up a bunch of concrete blocks, douse my ass in lighter fluid, and strike a match. That would be my favorite.

  10. I don’t know who is aware of this, but Adolf has been attacking our neighbors. He’s calling Canada the 51st state, giving them a command to become part of America. He has already deployed soldiers to the southern border. He has said we would use military force to take over the Panama Canal. And he has already talked on the phone with the Danish prime minister demanding that they turn ownership of Greenland over to us.

    In doing this, he has turned every last ally of ours against us. The European Union is preparing to go to war against America if needs be. They will help the countries Adolf sends our military in to invade. He is going to start World War Three as soon as he demands invasion. He is already issuing orders having everyone with a dark complexion put into concentration camps. Families will be torn away from each other, and never find each other again. He is calling Native Americans not actual citizens. He is essentially saying that anyone who isn’t white with their heritage being 100% of provably European descent is an illegal criminal. Anyone who is brown, yellow, black, red, or any other color of the rainbow has to be kicked out.

    He is going to cause millions of lives lost, and trillions of dollars worth of destruction. Washington DC will most likely be reduced to rubble, and rightly so. If he wants us hated by the entire planet, he’s 95% of the way there. As soon as the first bullet is fired, everyone will converge on America, and we will become a third world country. I see us being divided between Mexico and Canada. Each country getting 25 states.

    The United States Of America no longer exists. We’re not united, and the states are nothing but attack zones for him to white wash.

  11. If it’s something that a religion has used for hundreds or thousands of years in a religious aspect, then I have no problem with it. If you’re just citing that as an excuse to get stoned, then there’s a problem. I don’t like people disgracing their own culture for such a reason. I can’t remember if it’s the Apache or Navaho who used it, but they used peyote in a religious way. They have done it since LONG before white people came to the Americas. So it’s absolutely obscene to try to stop them from continuing their religious practices.

  12. I don’t see religions getting along. The Abrahamic religions have basically been at war with each other since their creation. They call each other heretics and demand conformity to what they think you are required to believe. There is a religion that I hate everything and anything even remotely related to it, but that’s because through my entire life I have gotten nothing but abuse from those people.

    Now take other religions than the Abrahamic religions. Hindu, Buddhism, Jainism, Satanism, Hellenism, Paganism, tribal beliefs, and all the others that I’m missing. They actually do tend to get along for the most part. But that’s doesn’t mean they’re friends when it comes to religious practices.


    I honestly don’t see peace between religions. So many of them are completely intolerant of the fact that not everyone bends their knee to each other’s imaginary friends. Until we can abolish religion and just believe in something bigger than yourself, there will never be peace.

  13. Landing on an asteroid isn’t like it’s portrayed in the movie Armageddon. You have to time it perfectly to do it. Then you also have to have a new kind of spacecraft to haul the results of the mine. Now the vast majority of elements in an asteroid is iron, which is not particularly in high demand. Finding an asteroid to mine is pure dumb luck. The NASA budget for finding asteroids and anything of that nature that could be a threat is practically nonexistent. Armageddon at least got that right. So if they don’t have the means to find any asteroids to mine, how are we to mine it? And who are you going to send to live on it and actually do the mining? Astronauts? Coal miners? And who is going to be able to afford to pay them? The American government is already 13 trillion in debt, so we can’t afford it. Just to emphasize that it’s 13,000,000,000,000. Twelve zeros. And how many people would be willing to leave their homes and families behind to work in space? Potentially for years.

    There's no practical way to do this.

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