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Posts posted by killamch89

  1. Played some Skyrim SE with my modified Shadow Samurai build. When I say this is the most busted build I've ever came up with without even trying that hard. The worst part is my character isn't even a dragonborn so he can't use shouts or absorb souls to gain stat boosts like my modded Dragonborn one. Out of all the builds I've done, I think that only my Cosmic Dragonborn who can control time and space trumps this build.

  2. Has anyone here ever found themselves featured in a newspaper? Whether it was for something major like a community event, a personal achievement, or even just a quirky story, I'd love to hear about your experiences. For me, I was in the newspaper for finishing 4th in the Spelling Bee as a kid. I was also in the newspaper for winning a couple of Martial Arts tournaments also as a kid.

  3. Hey everyone, I’m curious about how different people approach their diets. What does a typical day of eating look like for you? Do you follow any specific dietary guidelines or restrictions? How do you balance indulgence with nutrition?

  4. I tend to gravitate toward RPGs because I love immersive storytelling and the freedom to shape my character’s journey. There's something special about exploring deep lore, making decisions that influence the narrative, and seeing the world evolve based on my choices.

  5. On 9/13/2024 at 9:12 AM, Button said:

    I'd say I'm a mid-level DIYer. I can only handle software issues and basic hardware upgrades, but when it comes to complex problems or delicate components, I prefer to seek professional help.


    I'd say I'm at above average level as in I can fix a lot of complicated problems as I used to work in a friend's computer store part-time as a technician in my teens so I learned how to work on PCs from that time.

  6. On 9/13/2024 at 9:06 AM, Button said:

    Yes, I had computer classes in school. We covered basic coding and Microsoft Office. This has really sparked my interest in tech and helped me develop problem-solving skills too. 


    Same here. All we did was basic coding, a bit of web design and learning how to use Microsoft Office.

  7. On 9/13/2024 at 9:10 AM, Button said:

    My favorite accessory is my ergonomic keyboard. To be honest with you, it's been a game-changer for my typing speed. I also love my portable external monitor for multitasking on-the-go. 

    A portable monitor is also one of my favorites especially when you need an extra monitor on the go. I have one that I carry around with my laptop.

  8. To be honest, it looks like another generic mobile cesspool of a game in my opinion. The type that charges you for every little thing. Of course, I could be wrong but when it comes to most mobile games, I'm usually not.

  9. Thanks for the heads-up. I've been into deckbuilders lately, so Zoeti sounds like it could be right up my alley. How's the learning curve, especially with the different characters' abilities?

  10. I totally remember the Snake Game! It was the go-to for anyone with a Nokia phone back then. The simplicity of it made it so addicting. I still think about trying to beat my high score sometimes. Did you ever reach the point where the snake took up almost the entire screen?

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