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Posts posted by Cleopatra92
On 12/30/2018 at 8:09 PM, Alyxx said:
I've never been into the Disney remakes. I find they often lack what made the original movies so good and feel like they just try to "update" them too much with live action and CGI. I'd rather they just re-release the classics personally.
I agree with this.
Lion King has always been my favorite movie (even still), and I'm just really skeptical about this remake. I don't understand why they replaced all the voice actors except for James Earl Jones either. If they're gonna have a new cast, replace everyone I'd say. It's not like Matthew Broderick is back as Simba, and that's the main character.
This probably makes me sound old but I also find computer animation to be overrated. It was a cool novelty when Toy Story came out but now they don't hand draw any movies anymore, and I feel like that was a big part of what made their older movies so charming and amazing. I do recognize that computer animation is just as artistic, but it doesn't age as well as the hand drawn movies. They just have a timeless look to me.
2 hours ago, DC said:
Really? I'm obviously not very knowledgable about Brittany but it seems to be she's really cleaned herself up. She looks great.
She's only 37. I think/hope she has more left. I listened to her quite a bit when I was younger too. She's been making music for what 20 years already? Wow.
Yes this month is the 20th anniversary of her first album (...Baby One More Time). It's crazy lol.
She looks fine, yes. But she basically can't dance anymore (she had a really bad knee energy in 2004 or 2005) and there's never any promo for anything she does and she was in Vegas for 100 years it felt like lol
2000 Ford Escort ZX2
I really loved that car. It rusted apart a year or two ago, so I don't have it anymore. I bought it from my brother once he got a new car, but I don't remember how much exactly. Like a couple thousand or something. It was 2010 when I got it.
15 minutes ago, mont86 said:
Welcome Cleo , glad to have you here.
Thanks so much!
Don't you guys have phones!?!?!!?
2 minutes ago, killamch89 said:
I have never really been a huge Star Wars fan(don't judge me XD) but I do like Darth Vader. I can see where you are coming from though.
Ah then in that case forget SWTOR lol because if you don't like Star Wars then it's just not the same. Sadly I love Star Wars.
PS: I say sadly because it's just not doing it for me lately lol
I'll preface this by saying I've never been trained and I'm not very good....
But I love dancing! I like a lot of pop music and I like learning the choreography to that. I also like a lot of rap music and I enjoy twerking obnoxiously to that lol
"Wow, what is this mumble rap business?"
In the back of my head: "Wow I went from being young and cool to being 80"
1 minute ago, killamch89 said:
The thing is I saw a new one that interested me but I can't remember it's name -_-.
So at this rate you might as well just play them all
They did server merges like a year or two ago too, and that really made a big difference in how populated the game feels. Idk I just really like it and it makes me sad that eventually it will go offline and I'll never be able to make an Imperial Agent again ;_;
First Xbox?
in Xbox
I usually prefer my PC, but I have consoles as well.
Other than Nintendo stuff, I always had Playstations (1, 2, 3). But when I met my husband he was in love with his Xbox... So by the time that this most recent generation came out and I decided to pass on buying a PS4 to upgrade a couple of PC parts, we ended up with an Xbox One. So that's what I have now lol.
Still miss Playstations, but I am planning on picking up a PS4 once they're old news and catching up on a few games then. I'm never in a hurry XD
I'm really biased, but I always go for AMD processors. I don't have a particularly good reason other than that's what I started out with and I've never had one go bad on me.
*secretly knocks on wood*
2 minutes ago, killamch89 said:
Funny enough, even her half-assed performances are still way better than most of today's artiste. It just goes to show you far the quality of music has fallen over the years.
I still like a few newer artists, but I've already started that thing I used to judge my mom for where I only like the music from when I was younger and I have a hard time liking new stuff lol XD
I guess I just get jealous of people that stan for someone like Beyonce who's quality has roughly stayed the same her entire career (which started at about the same time as Britney's). But c'est la vie I suppose.
Just now, killamch89 said:
I was at one point but the subscription thing kind of turned me off - I think it was way back in 2014.
I didn't mind it as much once they made it where if you subscribe just one month you unlock all of the expansions to the game forever, even if you cancel your sub.
Amazon for sure. Can't beat that two day shipping on most stuff lol
1 minute ago, killamch89 said:
I love some of Brittney Spears songs as well (don't judge me lol.). She is an awesome artiste - it is a shame the path her career took but I do quite like her.
I love that lol
Personally I really think she doesn't want to do music anymore and she doesn't want to be famous anymore. I just don't see any other logical reason for how half-assed everything she does now is lol
4 minutes ago, killamch89 said:
You name it black desert online, blade and soul etc. It's an awfully long list to be honest.
I'm guessing you probably have, but have you tried SWTOR?
I know it gets a lot of flack, and for mostly good reasons, but I am really into that game again lately lol
7 hours ago, UleTheVee said:
Ew.. Why the hell would you guys say those awful things? "Cleric"? "Tank"?
I only know Warriors, White Mages and my favorite RPG Class. The Red Mage.
Don't be hating on my cleric talk!!!!1 XD
3 hours ago, killamch89 said:I think we are compatible. (I wasn't coming on to you btw XD) I love being the person that aggros the whole group to fight me. I once beat a 5-man dungeon with only me and the healer surviving for like 80% of it. The last boss in particular eventually managed to kill the healer and I somehow defeated him by myself...I was so surprised when I did it lol. A great healer is an absolute must in an RPG party or else the whole party will fail.
(I feel sad you have to clarify that lol). But yes I love finding someone dedicated to tanking. I feel like that's even more rare than healers most of the time in MMORPGs.
Like I wanna play a priest in classic WoW so bad, but the thought of being alone with no tank who I know isn't shit is scary lol
3 hours ago, killamch89 said:
Funny enough, I have never played Overwatch before but considering they are an Activision-Blizzard game, that kind of crappy micro-transaction scheme does not surprise me in the least bit. Their company and reputation were built up by those disgusting practices and it has been this way with them for a decade,
I can understand that. Honestly I don't mind buying something where I know what I'm getting most of the time. I know I'm guilty of buying some WoW store mounts... But I will never touch anything random, or any kind of currency. I guess that's just where my personal line is.
3 hours ago, UleTheVee said:Here's the tl;dr you need Killa.
*insert Jimquisition here*
Jim Sterling always knows what's up.
2 hours ago, killamch89 said:This is why that Loot-box regulation needs to be passed everywhere internationally.
I'm usually against government involvement in private industries, but I feel like gambling is a reasonable, and needed, exception. And these damn things need to be recognized as the gambling that they are. I feel bad for people who are more casual and get hooked buying cards for FIFA or stuff like that, who just aren't as in touch with the gaming community to be warned of the potential harm these kinds of microtransactions have. Because tbh the gaming community are literally the only people who consistently point that out.
2 hours ago, killamch89 said:
I am currently trying to decide on a new MMORPG to play but just can't seem to find one that I really fancy that much.
Which ones have you already tried?
7 hours ago, UleTheVee said:
What are you talking about? Gamer girls don't exist!!!!!
Welcome to VGR btw.
5 hours ago, killamch89 said:Welcome to VGR! We do not judge or discriminate against any kind of gamer...unless you're name is Jared Fogle or R.Kelly in which case we reserve the right to call/inform the authorities. Have fun!
I think I can handle not being that terrible lol. Thanks!
5 hours ago, DC said:Welcome to VGR!
I too remember being a teenager and participating on many active forums. Those were fun days. It seems forums are a thing of the past now (generally speaking) because of alternatives like Slack, Discord, Instagram, Facebook Messenger, and Facebook Groups. It's really a shame but there are just too many apps and alternatives these days. However, despite all this being said, VGR is here to stay and we hope to grow into a massive gaming forum. Thanks again for joining.
And all of those alternatives just don't have the feel of a forum to me. Maybe I'm just getting old now or something but social media sucks and discord is overrated lol. Don't get me wrong, I like discord for basically using it like teamspeak or vent but otherwise no thanks.
5 hours ago, UleTheVee said:Really now? I really think that forums are more popular than ever. Heck, most information journalists gather info from forums.
58 minutes ago, killamch89 said:I kind of have to agree with DC on this one because I have been on the forum scene for quite some time as well. I can say that his analysis is correct for the most part and although I have seen a growth in gaming forums popularity over the past 2 years, the other types of forums are quickly becoming obsolete.
I think this really depends on the type of forum, like you said.
Like I have my own Britney Spears forum (judge me if you want, idc anymore lol) and since her career is on the downhill slide into retirement and most of the type of people that visited my forum all care more about Instagram and crap. So it's been rough going there but I leave it open for the 10-12 of us that still use it and the memories. I'm sure this explains why I'm so determined to find a new forum to love too lol
5 hours ago, Lee said:
Happy weekend everybody! It is almost time for the end of the working week here in the UK!
I'm ready, I'm ready, I'm ready!
*Spongebob voice*
I generally prefer single player games because in my experience they have more longevity. Though I feel like with today's DRM from most places, that's diminished somewhat.
I could pop in my disc for the Sims 2 or Morrowind in any computer that would run it and just go. I will have it forever. I could drag out an old machine and show my kids these games in 20 years or whatever.
Don't get me wrong, I still love and play several online games (even MMOs), but I generally lean more towards single player.
On 1/16/2019 at 10:40 PM, killamch89 said:
What is your favorite RPG class and why? What strategies do you employ to make that class extremely effective? I love being a tank because I get to be in the center of the action. I don't mind being the one to take the punishment at all - fighting is no fun when I constantly have to run...
Oh I'm the exact opposite of you lol.
I usually enjoy being a cleric/priest/healer. I like to make my party do the damage and tanking while I support them.
I'm just that type of person though lol. Like I would not mind a game where an NPC is the protagonist and I am just their healing BFF (which I guess Oblivion is kind of like that and that's why I love it so much lol).
Disney Remakes
in Movies & TV
I know I would definitely pay to see the Lion King in the theatre again lol