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Posts posted by Herschie

  1. LMAO, do you even live in the United States? About the only thing worse than her lunch program was Obamacare. 

    I love how they preach about income inequality and how we how depressed they are from their mansion in Martha's Vineyard. 

    We would all be far better off if the Left would just keep their mouths shut.

  2. These things are the best! I've tried using the Framemeister, and while it does help, nothing beats a good, old-fashioned CRT. A newer flatscreen is quite simply not an option for the Genesis or N64.

    I remember being at Best Buy in 2005 maxing out my credit card to get my hands on the HD TVs that were all the rage. Fast forward 14 years, and I'm combing Craigslist to find an old CRT. They're just so much better for classic gaming!




  3. ROFL HAHAHAHAHAHA! Yeah, that's definitely the litmus test of failure, if someone or their offspring are Republicans. That's why you have Republicans trying to get prisoners the right to vote...oh wait, no, that would be Democrats! That's why all the ghettos are in Republican-run cities...ergh, no...that's Democrats as well! 

    To be honest, I don't mean to judge people in prison or from the ghetto. I know several people from the ghetto and who have been in prison who turned out successful. For what it's worth, one is a libertarian, the rest became staunch Republicans. Especially the guy with the successful business. 

  4. HAHAHAHA, oh man, my stomach hurts! You're really getting your news from Occupy Democrats? Voted the least trusted source of 2017? Listed as a questionable source from mediabiasfactcheck.com? Oh, and let's not forget politifact!

    You've lost your dang mind! I'm not even going to try posting anything from Breitbart!


  5. Wait, what, killing himself? What did Trump do that would cause someone to do such a thing? And with immigration, Trump is more or less following the law! People who have been here 20 plus years, and who never bothered to straighten their illegal status out! Now we're supposed to have sympathy?

    Trump is merely doing what should have been done years ago. The absurdity of the Obama administration has come to a screeching halt, and quite frankly, I'm glad to see it!

    Now if we can get the Republicans back in the House we can finally end this Obamacare nightmare!

  6. Yeah you must be great salespeople if you can take a few things Trump said out of context and make the mountain out of the molehill it is.

    Meanwhile, where it counts, you can't tell me anything Trump has done that has hurt you. Unlike Obama, where I got absolutely screwed by his "Affordable" Care Act.

  7. LMAO, the victim card! I love it! Like the left isn't around dancing butt ass naked in the street! Or crying in front of an empty parking lot pretending it's an immigration center! Or bullying an 8 year old girl into deleting her mini AOC Twitter account!

    Tell you what, put away the Trump baby balloon, then maybe we can talk victim here!



  8. On 3/5/2019 at 8:08 PM, The Blackangel said:

    The cops pick and choose what is and isn't a crime. For example here where I live robbery, assault, and vandalism are legal. The US is a completely worthless country. Nothing works as it should here. If I had the money I would have left the country a long time ago, but I flat out can't afford it. So I'm stuck in a shithole country, that is now the joke of the world thanks to the current sitting president.

    Try living in Chicago where State's Attorney Kim Foxx basically lets violent criminals back out on the streets within hours.

    Imagine being carjacked at gunpoint, and the perpetrator is free hours later. Too many damn liberals voting!

  9. Let this be a lesson; get. Out.And. Vote!

    My alderman was such a scumbag. His name was John Arena, and we would be here all night if I explained why. Basically the epitome of corrupt Chicago politics, and he was alderman of the 45th Ward.

    Well, because people got out and voted, Mr. Arena was defeated in a landslide!

    So, don't be shy. At the very least I was able to bitch about Obama for 8 years because I got out and voted for the late McCain in 2008, and Romney in 2012.

  10. Is it racist that I'm playing Madden '94 on Genesis, and it bothers me that all the players are white? My favorite players I grew up with, Richard Dent, Neal Anderson, William Perry. The Fridge! Black, black, and black. I know because I still have their posters.

  11. In my opinion, of course it's never ok to be racist, but then you can also be way too zealous with this. For example, the other day, my neighbor posted on a neighborhood watch Facebook page that a black man in a hoodie was in the alley. That by itself made everyone question why he said that. But to me, the more logical thing would be to assume that the guy in the hoodie was up to no good, not because he's black, but to give the guy who posted the benefit of the doubt. As it turned out, the black man in the hoodie was indeed trying to open up car doors, going around trying to see what he could steal. My neighbor made that ambiguous post in a hurry because he wanted to chase the potential thief, but later clarified why he had posted it. He ended up catching him, but because he hadn't actually gotten into anyone's car, the Chicago police ended up letting him go. I guess it would have been a lot of paperwork.

    But boy were they tearing him a new one on Facebook. Here's a guy who I happen to know personally, who was just trying to do his part to watch out for his neighbors. A conservative white guy, if you're wondering. He's a good man who just doesn't want trouble in the neighborhood. Had it been a white guy trying to open up car doors, the response would have been exactly the same. I can honestly say that there's not a racist bone in my neighbor's body. But you should have seen the comments trying to make this hero out to be a bigot, a racist. It made me sick to my stomach.

    Look, racism exists, we can't doubt that, and it's definitely on both sides of the political spectrum. I just think that we need to start giving people the benefit of the doubt a lot of times. 

  12. On 8/29/2018 at 8:54 AM, JennyorAlice said:

    I picked Toad.  I picked him a lot because I felt he was one of the faster ones since he didn't weigh that much.  The only down side to him was if you bumped into one of the bigger racers, they could knock you out of the way pretty easily. 

    I miss the ability to bump people off the track, which is one reason I loved Double Dash, DS, and Wii. Plus I hate the coins.

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