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How to get Cookie Run: Kingdom code free?

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Hello everyone,

Cookie Run Kingdom is an adventure game, action-fighting very interesting and engaging, the game has very good graphics and storyline. However, to get stronger, you need to make a deposit. I have no finance, so I often run code from publishers, I heard that is coming soon. So how do I get the game code? Hope everyone let me know.

Thanks everyone.

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Firstly, moving this topic to the Video Games Sub-forum as this topic is in reference to a specific game. 


Secondly, given that the game is free-to-play, there's nothing to stop you from just playing it. I think what you're referring to is the game's microtransactions and how to attain their benefits for free. If so, there's nothing that we can do for you as we are not the developers, publishers or in any way associated with the game. You could try and get in touch with the developer/publisher, but it looks like you are going to have to pay or grind just like everyone else. 

Edited by Shagger
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