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Reality vs Adventure

Stealth or blunt kills

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Do you prefer a stealth attack or blunt attack? Forget about what a mission wants. You have open choice. Hear them wheeze while you bleed their throat, or maniacal brash head throw. Splatter brains or watch intestines fall out at once. What is your desire? How much blood do you like? I assume if you want a quick kill, you have other interests and the foe is meaningless. If you are in stealth and still want to watch the bastard suffer, you are on another level. That level we will get too. Bashing is more personal. Would you bash for a quick kill? Or would you bash the lower body to watch the parasite suffer? Bashing is a statement. Silent kill is impersonal. Yet both can be interchangeable. Or would you capture them and torture them? We are humans. These are the things we talk about as intelligent species. Express your intelligence. 

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Stealth obviously. I loved the games hitman and Tom Clancy's Ghost recon because of stealth only. But frankly, it totally depends upon the gameplay.😃

In some games, you have to fight face to face. But if I have been given both choices, I would definitely choose stealth over the other. 😊

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