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Sony teases a 3D-Scanner device to scan real items into the game

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This would be pretty cool. We could have potential for making unique items in games, and also including ourselves I imagine. What kind of items would you scan into the game world? Ooh, I think it'd be cool to make a little virtual world where you can have a mansion or something. I'd scan my game collection and set up a game room that I doubt I'll get in real life lol. 

You can read more about this news here - https://gamerant.com/sony-3d-scanner/

Edited by Kane99
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On 1/10/2022 at 12:57 PM, Empire said:

Maybe it might come ture one day 😛 I mean tech is growing fast. 



There is possibility that's going to happen sooner than we all expected it. I would be looking forward to it. 

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Isn't this the gateway to NFT's? 

It's also on the same path as augmented reality where you can scan your environment and interact with it in a virtual world. As long as you don't try selling and trading it, and getting it all mixed up in the gaming world then it would be interesting to add what you want in games for your own personal experience. I would have my pet as a sidekick in a game. And even after they pass, I can still be there with them in the game world. That would be amazing!!!

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