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What is the difference between a “puzzle” and an “obstacle course”?

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What are your thoughts about the difference between a "puzzle" and an "obstacle course"? I ask because the whole phrase "jump puzzle" confuses me. To me, jump puzzles do not seem to be puzzles (usually). There is no "solving" to be done, simply navigating the obstacles. Thoughts?

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A puzzle is something you approach with no immediate solution. One has to employ problem solving to find the way past it, but there is no skill involved, just logic. It's a test of the the mind


In an obstacle coerce the way through is obvious, it's all bout having the reflexes and skill to make it through. That is a test of skill, not strategy or logic.


So what is the difference between a puzzle and an obstacle course? In short, everything. I do recall the platforming puzzles in game like Tomb Raider and the relic ruins in Horizon: Forbidden West that do combines puzzle solving and platforming together (what I would call environmental puzzles or platforming puzzles), but those are a combination of those two different components into one mechanic. To me the idea of a "jump puzzle" just sounds like a stupid name for something that already exists.

Edited by Shagger
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A puzzle would most times come with Clues That would help to solve the puzzles.

Obstacle course are different but not entirely In this case the player has to work out their own strategy to get pass the obstacles or sometimes they developers could provide clues as well.

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Videogames have these kind of obstacles because they are somewhat static, if there are no obstacles all that fancy gameplay they have programmed will never come up.

But at a table both you and the players can always improvise, the story can evolve on the go, there is nothing preprogrammed. By adding these videogamey obstacles you are actually taking away from the experience, rather than adding to it.

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Puzzles are something you need to work out with things like clues, with clues you would then try and work out the best way to solve the puzzle. With an obstacle course, as much as there may be clues to help you with the obstacle course, you will have to find the best way around the course yourself. Obstacle courses also don't always have clues and rely on you to solely complete it by trial and error.

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On 11/26/2022 at 7:45 PM, Shortie said:

With an obstacle course, as much as there may be clues to help you with the obstacle course, you will have to find the best way around the course yourself. Obstacle courses also don't always have clues and rely on you to solely complete it by trial and error.

This completely explains what an obstacle course is, you would need to try over and over again with chances of repeating that same obstacle multiple times anytime you fail.

They both can be really annoying but you get a good feeling if you eventually successfully get through any of them.

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An obstacle course is where it is obvious what you need to do, you just have to go through the motions to get there.

A puzzle is where part of the task is figuring out what to do first.

But they are not mutually exclusive, there is a large cross section between them. I think most puzzles have at least some obstacle course element to them. And most obstacle courses have rudimentary puzzles.

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