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The Blackangel


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I can see exactly what she's trying to do. She thinks she can trip democrats up into saying "we don't care about babies" then selling that statement and obviously false narrative to stupid voters. However, I don't think she understands that just because she's "smart" enough to come up with this cunning plan, that other people aren't smarter than that, and thus won't fall for it.

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Boebert is exploiting the lives of wolves just to grandstand her political extremism. Republicans have come to the point where they want to genocide the wolf population just to own the libs. To them, killing wolves is essential to their culture war. Republicans have full intention to hunt people the same as they hunt wolves and other animals to extinction. They want to get rid of animal protections just like how they want to get rid of human rights protections. They want to trap, torture, and kill the whole wolf population just like they want to trap, torture, and kill every minority sub group in America. No? This is no exaggeration. The Idaho governor in 2021 made a bill to genocide 90% of the gray wolf population. 2023 at the CPAC convention republicans called for the eradication of trans people. In their minds, there is no difference. And because liberals actually care about the environment and wildlife like the gray wolf, republicans want to murder the wolves and destroy the environment just to own the libs. No regulations, no protections, not for the wolf, not for equality, not for human rights. 

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