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The Blackangel

NBA Coach goes OFF SCRIPT and utterly DESTROYS Republicans by name during press conference

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This topic encompasses many things to be angry about. Kids in schools are a target now for mass shooters. And republicans don't give a fuck about it. Tennessee Republican Tim Burchett says, "We're not gonna fix it." He said that after the latest school shooting in Tennessee. Republicans don't give a fuck. They seem to care enough to make hundreds of bills suppressing voters and elections, hundreds of bills attacking trans and gays, hundreds of bills banning books and banning discussion of history, hundreds of bills banning abortion. But a school mass shooting, "we're not gonna fix it." That's straight up hard core cold as ice, blatantly telling you "we're not gonna fix it." Meanwhile in Tennessee, it's all over the news now how 2 young black legislatures in Tennessee were expelled from the state legislature for protesting about wanting more gun safety laws. There were actually 3 democrat legislatures who protested, 2 black men and one white woman. The state legislature all voted to expel the two black men but voted to keep the white woman who also protested. And after the backlash, a week later they voted them back in because they were embarrassed by their racist attempt to disenfranchise voters and expel the black men who were only protesting for the safety of school children, while republicans say, "we're not gonna fix it." There was even an attempt from republicans threatening to defund the counties those black legislatures represent. Even teachers want to go on strike now about the gun violence threatening the safety of kids in schools and republicans want to threaten school funding if they go on strike. Threaten school funding, threaten teacher's unions, and for fucks sake even kids themselves are protesting right there on campus. Are they gonna block funding of schools if kids protest? Are they gonna ban the right of kids to protest? 

"We're Not Gonna Fix It" Republican Tim Burchett in regards to school mass shootings



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