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The Blackangel

Windows help needed

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Ok all modern(ish) copies of Windows have the "Run programs for previous versions of Windows" feature. I've tried using it to play games like AOE2 and Diablo. But it never works. I don't know if I'm doing something wrong, if the program is screwed up, or if the games simply aren't compatible despite the program feature. If there's anything I can do to run those games I would absolutely love it. I know there's a remaster on Steam, but you all know I'm all about nostalgia.

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What are you using to run the program from? If it's from the original hardware, like the original CD/DVD-ROMs, you need an emulator to make the games compatible. I know how much authenticity means to you, but emulators can run games from the original game disks. Either way, I'll keep digging.


EDIT: I found this article from The Windows Club that indicates it is possible to run this game from the original CD, but it is a bit of a faff and apparently does require a HD mod. Still, worth checking out.


As for AOE 2, all roads lead back to the compatibility tab. I'll post this video tutorial on the compatibility function even though I'm fairly certain you have already tried it, but who knows, maybe there is something you've missed.



Edited by Shagger
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