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PS3 Shuts Itself Down When I Nudge the USB Cord Connection?

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On 12/5/2018 at 5:22 PM, StaceyPowers said:

Last night I was checking the USB cord connection on my PS3. All I did was nudge it slightly, and my PS3 shut itself right off.

Anyone know what causes this?

Not sure what to tell you because I still don't know why my PS3 stopped working about 7 years ago. Was it the USB cord connection for the controller? Or...

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1 hour ago, killamch89 said:

Not sure what to tell you because I still don't know why my PS3 stopped working about 7 years ago. Was it the USB cord connection for the controller? Or...

It hasn't happened again, though I've taken great care not to nudge the cord. I did remove it while dusting though and noticed a lot of dust on it. Perhaps there was static.

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This is not PS specific issue. Many times this also happens for PC too. I am guessing this is specific to motherboard to USB connection issue. Where if the connection is lose it forces the board to reboot. And that can be fixed if you send the box to the support. I have seen that in such case often motherboard requires replacement. 

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