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2 hours ago, Alyxx said:

To be honest I'm just gonna avoid too many unhealthy carbs and stuff like that.

You can't have the diet without the exercise - it's like missing the chicken in a chicken sandwich or the peanut from the peanut butter - you'll just have butter. Wait what?... I am pretty sure the last point was way off but you get what I'm saying lol. Start with 1 pushup - try to get the technique proper then when you can successfully do one pushup, go on to two etc. Take it at your own pace. You'll be amazed at how far you will reach if you do that just 3 times a week.

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3 minutes ago, Alyxx said:

I do pushups but not to lose weight, more to build arm strength. It's never seemed like a fat burning exercise to me. Walking is more efficient for that.

How about trying planks - try to hold it for 5 seconds - it builds abdominal and back strength. Gradually add 5 more seconds over a period of time until you can hold it for 3 minutes or more.

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7 hours ago, xXInfectedXx said:

Months have passed since you said that. How much have you lost and what's your ultimate weight loss goal? 

Hopefully it's going well for you! 

Not really. On the plus side I haven't gained any, I've just kind of been stuck.

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