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The Blackangel

La Llorona

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Ask any Mexican, they will tell you a story about La Llorona.

Personal story :
I was 14 went to my grandparents house, they live in a small rural town in South Mexico, its one of those small towns that still have old buildings from the Pancho Villa and the Christian war era. Backyard is like a farm and one bedroom all the way to the back, main house faces the main street. At night already half asleep I heard a lament coming from Main street, it made its way to the front of the main house, then slowly through the backyard until it reached the bedroom , it walked around the backyard several times until it entered the bedroom by then I had "sleep paralysis", Couldnt move or scream and the thing walked to my side of the bed and then it stopped suddenly, after it stopped I was able to move and quickly I jumped out of bed using my ninja kicks xD, I walked around the room checking the windows but I didnt saw or heard anything after that. Later that morning my little sister told me she heard it as well from the Main house , told my grandparents about it they said its pretty common and they advise to not try to actually see the thing since its consider a "bad omen". 

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