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The Blackangel

Best part of the day?

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From the moment you wake up to the moment you go to bed, what’s the best part of your day? For me it’s taking a long hot shower right before I get ready for bed. I look forward to that all day. It’s relaxing and the stress just melts away. For the most part, at least.

So what is your favorite?

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For me, the best part of the day would be when I come back from work and take a nice shower to finally start chilling watching movies or series, browsing forums, talking to my loved ones and playing games.

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On 3/31/2024 at 4:51 AM, Heatman said:

The best part of the day for me is when I must have finished everything that I'm supposed to do and I am now home relaxing and enjoying myself because nothing beats resting and having a good time for yourself. 

That's true - you don't have anything to be concerning yourself about - you can just lounge around and do anything you want. I love that feeling!

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