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Gaming at the office

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Did anyone here ever game at work? Did your bosses know you were gaming, or did you hide it? Did you game on the work computer or your mobile device?

I had a cushy office job once upon a time long, long ago where most of the staff enjoyed FPS games. So, sometimes we would take half an hour or an hour and game instead of work, especially if a number of us had worked through our lunches and were ahead on our tasks. It was pretty fun, since we had about the ideal number of people.

@killamch89 @kingpotato @Alyxx @Executor Akamia @Jayson @The Blackangel @skyfire @DylanC

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I never had the type of job that I could game at. Most of the jobs I had were either in restaurants or manual labor. I've done landscaping, satellite TV installation, farm work, wash dishes, cook, waitress, high school janitor, car detailing, coin clerk at a bank, rideshare, Uber, and other shit that I can't remember. I was even in the military. But this was all before the muscular dystrophy really started setting in. And before I was crippled to the point of being permanently wheelchair bound.

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This is funny!  I mean, I would say "BAD IDEA".  Well, I used to surf the net a lot on the job - and the problem is that it becomes a habit to surf (or something similar like gaming) - and it makes you seem incompetent/lazy.

Well, this stuff is certainly a powerful reason for a dismissal.

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