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Games you play in a non-traditional way?

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Are there any games you have made use of in a manner not necessarily intended?

Like, a friend of a friend plays Fallout 4, but reportedly spends the majority of his time simply building and doing nothing else.

As another example which is weird and was completely non-intentional, recently I made a new character on a MUD I played many many years ago. I didn’t get far with it before I had other things to do, but then I started dreaming about a fictitious version of the game. Figuring that is more fun in all likelihood than the actual game, I keep logging in so they don’t delete my character, but then logging right out. This jogs my brain into continuing its nighttime “playing” of the game.

Anyone else play a game in a way that was not intended by its creators?


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The way I have gotten to playing Zelda 2 may fit in to this. These days what I do is I get the items necessary (mainly the hammer and candle) and go around to every town and collect every spell and ability. Then I keep running into the little monsters that pop up on screen and just power game the shit out of Link. Then I go back to the palaces and just kick the shit out of the bosses. I know it's unorthodox, and completely out of order, but I really don't care. It mixes things up. So, instead of just going from level 1 to level 2 to level 3 etc. I'm mixing it up a little bit. I do the same thing with a few other Zelda games. Like in the dark world on Link To The Past the order I usually beat the levels is 1, 4, 3, 2, 6, 5, 7, 8. Weird I know, but so am I.

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3 hours ago, kingpotato said:

Im not sure if you can call it non-traditional but in stealth games I always prefer to attack up front, in AC3 and AC4 instead of attacking the guards one by one I would took on the whole squad up front. It got me killed a bunch tines though...

I used to do the same thing in Splinter Cell back in the days and I ended up in some pretty hairy situations myself.

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On 10/31/2019 at 1:56 AM, skyfire said:

Slow as in during last few minutes of gameplay, you may notice that struggle for sniper folks is in positioning, where people who are into burst kill mode tend to win unless the map offers some higher ground. 

That's why as a sniper you have to learn how to do no-scope kills - I had a friend who I used to play Combat Arms, Blacklight Retribution and other FPS games with and he was always a sniper but he was extremely good at no-scope kills so running up on him normally meant death for the opponent.

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I think Grand Theft Auto is a good example of this. Sometimes, I like to just use the game as an open world driving game where I follow all the rules (like the stop signs, traffic lights etc.) and try to be as normal as possible in terms of driving around. It's the same for The Crew 2 as well. I don't really care about the racing aspect of that game and prefer to just drive around the map 😄

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On 11/4/2019 at 8:05 AM, killamch89 said:

That's why as a sniper you have to learn how to do no-scope kills - I had a friend who I used to play Combat Arms, Blacklight Retribution and other FPS games with and he was always a sniper but he was extremely good at no-scope kills so running up on him normally meant death for the opponent.

Yeah running upto me part needs a better placement too. Like if you stay in the middle of map that's inviting death. But setting up higher ground and corner improves chances. 

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